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You woke up the next morning before Roman and decided to sneak out of the hotel room and go back to the hotel room you were sharing with Dean. Luckily, when you got there, Dean was still asleep, so he wouldn't ask you any questions about where you were.

You got ready for the day and when you exited the bathroom Dean was awake. "Good morning," you said with a smile. "Morning, how did you sleep?" he asked. "Really good actually. What about you?" you questioned. "Good," he said with a smile before entering the bathroom.

You and Dean just hung out in the hotel room for most of the morning before deciding to head towards the arena where the show was being held. You and Dean entered the room where you usually got your hair and make-up done and changed into your ring gear; and, when you entered, a large smile spread across your face as both yours' and Dean's Shield gear was there.

"Finally!" you said with a smile, making Dean laugh as you excitedly grabbed your ring gear and left to change into it. The moment you put it on, you felt so much better. You then got your hair and make-up done and Dean entered the room with his Shield gear on.

You smiled at him and told him, "You look great." He smiled in response and replied, "So do you." "Too bad we don't have a match tonight," you said and he nodded his head. You and Dean were supposed to just go out there and mess with Roman, The Usos, and Seth by wearing your Shield gear. "That's okay, I have fun just messing with them too," Dean said, making you chuckle.

You were finally done with your hair and make-up and you and Dean waited for all four men to be in the ring before you made your way to the entrance spot. You were going to go classic shield and enter through the audience.

You and Dean stood at the curtain and the Shield music started playing which you knew would throw them off. You and Dean then started entering through the crowd, making the fans scream in excitement. A large smile graced your face as you and Dean made your way down to the ring, and as you got closer, you could see the stunned looks on Seth's and Roman's faces.

You and Dean entered the ring with microphones and The Usos immediately approached the two of you, holding microphones of their own. "Hey uce, you can put on those sad outfits but it ain't gonna change anything," Jey said, standing right in front of you.

"Excuse me, Jey, while the adults talk, or do you want to get flattened again by a woman?" you told him with a smirk. Jey struggled to find a response so Roman stepped in front of him, asking for the microphone. "What do you want?" Roman asked you. "You already know the answer to that," Dean stated, walking to stand right in front of Seth.

Seth laughed his classic laugh as Roman asked, "When are you going to realize that it's not going to happen?" You shrugged your shoulders before giving Roman your best smile and saying, "Can't blame a girl for trying." Roman almost caved in at your smile, but he knew he had to stay in character.

"Look, it's simple, you guys either pull your heads out of your asses on your own or we'll beat some sense into you," Dean stated. "I'd like to see you try, uce," Jey yelled. Dean looked at you and you just smiled before running up and wrapping your legs around Roman's neck, bringing him to the ground while Dean attacked Seth.

Once Roman hit the ground, you paused for a moment to quietly tell him, "Sorry about this." You then gave him a quick wink and went after Jimmy since Dean was already attacking Jey. Eventually, all four men rolled out of the ring, leaving you and Dean victorious again.

"You can keep talking your big talk, but we can take you anytime, anywhere," Dean said in the microphone as the men walked away before turning to you as the two of you put your fists in the middle of the ring as the Shield music began playing.

After a couple more moments, you and Dean left the ring. Dean went off to the locker room, and you went to try and find Roman. You were just passing his locker room when you felt a strong pair of arms pull you into the room before the door shut and locked. You smiled as Roman stood behind you with his hands on your hips, pulling you into him.

"I love this outfit on you," Roman told you, his lips only centimeters from your ear. You smirked and replied, "I bet you'd like it even better when it's off of me." Roman let out a small groan as he spun you around to face him.

He crashed his lips to yours, pulling away after another moment and saying, "You left before I woke up this morning." "I wasn't sure if you wanted people to know yet, so I went back to my hotel room before Dean woke up," you responded, letting out a soft moan as Roman began kissing your jawline and neck.

Roman stopped for a moment at yours words and stated, "I'm going to make sure the whole world knows your mine." The way he looked at you when he said that sent a shiver down your spine. He quickly moved you to the couch that was in his locker room and made sure to make the most out of the alone time the two of you had.

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