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Time felt like it was moving miserably slow as you waited for six o'clock to come. That's when you were meeting up with the boys. You were so grateful that they had all been so welcoming towards you. You weren't sure they would like the idea of you being around, so the fact that they were welcoming you with open arms was a very happy surprise.

Roman had been out and about doing some things, so you didn't see him after you finished your training session with him. But, right as it was getting close to six o'clock, he entered the hotel room. You both immediately got a smile as you saw each other.

"Hey, are you about ready to go?" he asked you. "Yeah," you replied, standing up from the bed you were sitting on. Roman opened the door for you before leading you to Dean's hotel room. "Are you sure everyone's okay with me crashing your night?" you asked Roman, having slight doubts.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "It's just, I know you guys have been friends for a long time, so hanging out is just a regular thing for you; but, I don't want them to have to feel like they have to invite me just because Angle wants us working together," you explained.

"Oh, no, don't worry about that. Seth and Dean want to spend more time getting to know you, and so do I. Plus, the more you learn about us too, the better we'll all work together in the ring," Roman reassured you with a smile. You felt a bit more at ease thanks to his words and took a deep breath as Roman stopped in front of a door, knocking on it.

Seth opened the door and smiled as he saw both of you. "Hey, come on in," he told the two of you, moving so you could enter the room. "Hey, make yourselves at home," Dean stated, greeting the two of you.

Seth and Dean had moved the furniture around a bit in the room to fit two chairs around the table in the room along with the small couch. You decided to sit down on the couch in the hopes that Roman would sit down next to you. He put your nerves at ease. Luckily, he did just that, sitting down on the couch.

"Okay Roman, are you drinking tonight?" Dean asked, holding up a couple of different bottles so Roman could see the options. "Sure," Roman replied. "Y/N?" Dean questioned, awaiting your answer. Although he was asking you in front of Roman and Seth, it didn't seem like they were pressuring you to drink. It genuinely seemed like he wanted to include you, and you decided to have a night where you just had some fun, so you said yes.

Dean poured both you and Roman a drink while Seth got his own drink. Dean and Seth then sat down in the chairs around the table. It was a bit awkward at first, as you expected it to be, but as soon as the conversation started rolling, you felt a lot more comfortable and you were getting along with them really well.

You were all having a great time. You would tell them stories from your wrestling career and they would tell you stories from theirs. You were really glad they had been opening up to you. One of the most important things that are needed to work well in the ring with other people was trust, and getting to know the boys was building that trust and that bond.

You played a few games with them and won most of them. They teased you about cheating and you teased them right back, telling them you were just more skilled than them. Finally, when it had gotten late and everyone was tired, you and Roman decided to head back to your hotel room.

"That was fun," you told Roman with a large smile as you both entered the hotel room. "Yeah, I think they really like you," Roman replied, shutting and locking the door behind him. "And what about you? Do you like me?" you asked him, turning to face him. You immediately regretted asking him that question and began asking yourself why you said that. Roman looked taken aback for a second, unsure how to respond. You went to open your mouth to try and fix the situation when Roman suddenly pinned you against the wall, crashing his lips onto yours.

Your heart pounded in your ears as you instantly kissed him back, tangling your fingers in his hair. He used his hands to lift your legs and you wrapped them around his waist as he used his body to keep you in place against the wall. He bit your bottom lip lightly, and just as you were about to take things to the next level, there was a knock on the door to the room.

Roman let out a small groan of disappointment as he rested his forehead against yours for a moment, both of you letting your heart rate slow down. After another moment, Roman set you down and went to open the door. When he opened it, Seth was standing there.

Seth must have noticed the disappointed look on Roman's face because he looked like a kid who just got in trouble as he asked, "Did I interrupt something?" Roman didn't respond at first, but then he asked, "Did you need something?" "Yeah, I was just wondering if you could help me with something. But, if you're busy, it can wait," Seth replied.

Roman wanted nothing more than to tell Seth no and to shut the door and finish what he started, but he was too nice to do that. So instead, he told Seth, "Sure, I can help." He then turned and made eye contact with you for a moment before leaving the room, leaving you to try and figure out what happened. You weren't sure how long Roman would be, so you decided to get ready for bed and lay down.

He wasn't back by the time you fell asleep, so you fell asleep, trying to comprehend everything that had happened. One thing was for sure, you clearly weren't good at concealing your feelings for Roman.

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