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You had been back in the WWE for a few weeks now, and you were loving it. Even though you were all friends off-screen, you had to stay in character on-screen. Roman and the Usos had embraced the nickname of "The Bloodline" while Seth was still the Messiah.

You all were actually having fun with the way things currently were. Seth knew that sometimes he acted a bit ridiculous and you and Dean had a great time calling him out for it. Likewise, Roman and the Usos found it entertaining when they were in the middle of a promo and you would interrupt them.

Currently, you were in the ring with Dean, both of you calling out the Bloodline and Seth. "You know a couple of years ago, the Shield was one of the most dominant groups in WWE history," Dean began, making the crowd go wild. "Two of us turned out okay, while the other two turned into total jokes," Dean stated as the crowd cheered.

"Here's the deal guys, we're tired of Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns pretending to people they're not. So we're being upfront with our goal. We're going to get the band back together," you told the fans, causing some of them to completely lose it.

All of a sudden, the Usos music began playing as they came down to the ring with microphones in their hands. "Hey, uce, the Tribal Chief wants to see you," Jey said, entering the ring with Jimmy. "Alright," Dean replied, shrugging his shoulders as he attempted to leave the ring, but Jimmy stopped him. "Not you, just her," Jimmy told Dean, as they both looked at you.

"Tell your Tribal Chief if he wants me, he knows where to find me," you replied innocently. "He won't take no for an answer. You either come willingly or we make you come," Jey stated. "That's what she said," Dean muttered so that only you and the Usos could hear it, making you laugh.

"Alright, fine, I'll go see him. I've just got to take care of something first," you replied before rushing Jey and attacking him. Dean got the hint and rushed Jimmy as well. When the two of you were done, you left them lying on the mat in the middle of the ring.

You and Dean walked backstage with the cameras still on you. "Stay here," you told Dean before making your way to Roman's locker room. You knocked on the door and he opened it, looking at you confused. "Where are my cousins?" "Probably still in the middle of the ring where I left them," you replied, shrugging your shoulders and then pushing past him to enter his locker room, the cameras right behind you.

You sat down on one of Roman's chairs and he sat down across from you. "You wanted to see me, Chief?" you asked, noting Roman's smirk as you called him Chief. "I heard what you and Dean were saying out there. You need to know, there's no way in Hell that I would join up with you two again," he stated, doing his best to look tough.

You shrugged your shoulders before replying, "Whatever you say." Roman seemed a bit taken aback by your response so you stood up and walked behind him. You placed your hands on his shoulders and brought your lips next to his ear, close enough to send a shiver down his spine.

"But, I know for a fact, one way or another, we'll convince you to join," you told him, barely above a whisper. You could hear the crowd's loud cheers knowing that they were seeing everything. You then pulled away from Roman and left his locker room, sending him a wink before you shut the door. A little bit after that, Seth was in the middle of a promo when he was ambushed by Dean, who promised to make Seth's life a living Hell until he woke up and realized who he really was.

All in all, everyone knew that you and Dean were in control of the situation. You had fun making Roman, The Usos, and Seth all scramble to find a way to take you and Dean out on-screen, but as soon as the cameras were off, you were all inseparable.


You were yet again in the car, driving to another city for another show with Dean and Seth sleeping again. "I swear, all they do in the car is sleep," you told Roman, making him chuckle. "Pretty much," he replied.

"So, how are things with you and Galina?" you asked him. He hesitated for a moment before telling you, "We ended up breaking up." You turned to look at him and said, "Oh, Roman, I'm so sorry. What happened?" "She just wasn't the one for me," Roman replied, looking at you for a moment, making your heart stop.

"Are we there yet?" Seth asked, leaning up in his seat and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, making you laugh. "Almost," Roman replied. Seth and Roman then began talking, but you ended up tuning their conversation out as you focused on what Roman had just told you.

He and Galina had broken up. You couldn't help but feel a little relieved at the news, and even a little hopeful. You would have never made a move on Roman while he was in a relationship, but now that he was single, you wanted to make sure he knew how you felt.

Roman pulled the car over about half an hour later, and the four of you piled out of the car. You all decided to go to your respective hotel rooms because Dean and Seth were feeling a bit more tired than usual. You and Dean went to your room and Dean laid down almost instantly while you decided to take a shower, hoping it would get Roman off your mind.

But, you thought about him the whole time. You even tried to lay down for about an hour in the hopes that you would fall asleep, but you just keep tossing and turning. Knowing there was only one solution to your current problem, you snuck out of the hotel room, careful not to wake Dean up, and went to Roman's room.

You knocked on the door, hoping he was still awake, and luckily a few moments later, he opened the door. "Y/N?" he asked, not expecting you. "Hey, sorry, if I woke you," you told him. He shook his head no and replied, "Come on in."

You did as he said and entered the room, nervously fidgeting with your fingers, unsure how to tell him what you needed to. "Is everything okay?" he asked, causing you to turn and face him. "Yeah, I just needed to talk to you," you replied with a small smile. "Okay, about what?" he questioned. That's when you looked down, avoiding eye contact as you tried to come up with a response.

The tension only continued to build as Roman started to realize what you were doing in his hotel room. He walked closer to you until he was only a couple of inches away from you, and used his fingers to tilt your chin up to look at him.

When you made eye contact with him, you felt your heart begin to race. He searched your eyes as if silently trying to ask you if this is what you wanted. You stared into his eyes for a moment longer, before pulling him down into a passionate kiss. He kissed back instantly, wrapping your legs around his waist before carrying you to the bed, his lips never leaving yours.

His hands roamed your body with a certain need, and after two years, you needed him just as bad. Roman paused for a moment to make eye contact with you as if needing to make sure what was happening was real, before connecting his lips with yours again, and spending the rest of the night releasing all the feelings that have been pent up inside of him for two years.

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