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You and Dean walked backstage with smiles on your face. "That was great, Y/N," he told you, draping his arm over your shoulders and pulling you into his side. You were proud of what you did too. Since it was your first time performing in the ring since your injury, you were scared you wouldn't be able to perform.

"Y/N!" you heard someone say as you were immediately engulfed in a hug. Charlotte. "Hey," you said with a smile as you hugged her back. A.J. was right behind her and pulled you into a hug as well.

"Are you back for good?" she asked you. "As far as I know," you replied with a smile. Charlotte and A.J. both got large smiles on their faces as she asked, "You know what that means then, right?" You chuckled at her question before replying, "Let me guess, we're going out tonight?" "Yep, meet me at my hotel room and I'll help you get ready," she told you before walking away.

"You better be coming," you told Dean as she walked away. Dean laughed and told you, "I told you I would be here for you the whole way, so of course." You smiled at him and the two of you continued to walk down the hallway.

"Is that the kind of hello we get?" you heard someone say a couple of minutes later, making you stop in your tracks. You wore a smirk as you turned around and saw the Usos standing there with Roman and Seth behind them. "It is when you're beating up an innocent man," you replied. "Come on, Y/N, you know it's just for show," Jey responded. "Besides, we missed you," Jimmy added, making you smile.

"I missed you guys too," you told them, hugging both of them. When you broke away from the hug you looked towards Roman and Seth who were both avoiding eye contact, like they were ashamed to even be in your presence.

"Seth, Roman," you greeted with a warm smile, causing them both to look at you. "How, um, how are you?" Roman stuttered out. "I'm getting there. Dean's been helping a lot," you replied, flashing Dean a smile. "Do you hate me?" Seth asked, still avoiding eye contact with you. "No, Seth," you replied, making him let out a deep breath of relief. "I know everything that happened that night, and I didn't come back for revenge or to hold a grudge. I came back because I missed my job," you continued.

"And because you guys need a good beating to get your head out of your asses," Dean stated, making you chuckle. "Yeah, that too," you replied. There was a moment of awkward silence so you told them, "Charlotte invited us to go out tonight. You guys are more than welcome to come."

"Really?" Roman asked with hopeful eyes. "Of course, I'll text you the address," you replied before turning to Dean. "I should go find Charlotte, but thank you for everything, and I'll see you later," you told him before pulling him into a hug and kissing his cheek. You then waved goodbye to the rest of the boys and left to find Charlotte.

After you left, Dean stood there with the rest of the guys. "So, you're back?" Seth asked him. "Yeah. Look, man, I'm sorry about what happened between the three of us before I left. I wasn't in a good spot after what happened with Y/N. I don't think any of us were," Dean replied.

"How did you get her to forgive us?" Roman questioned. Dean chuckled before saying, "I didn't. When I came to her door I fully expected her to slam it in my face. But, it's Y/N, she's too nice for her own good. She told me she didn't hold a grudge so I asked her to come back to WWE with me and she did." "How's her injury?" Seth questioned. "It gets to her sometimes, but she's a fighter. She just has some pain here and there that I help her get through," Dean explained.

"Well, I'm glad you talked some sense into her and got here back here," Jimmy said, joining in on the conversation. "Yeah, now we just got to keep her from Roman's secret," Jey added, earning a glare from his cousin.

"What secret?" Dean asked. "His girlfriend, Galina," Seth replied, and Dean could have sworn Roman looked ashamed for a second. "You have a girlfriend?" Dean asked almost defensively. "We've been dating for a couple of months," Roman finally breathed out. "Alright, well, that's definitely not what Y/N needs to hear on her first night back," Dean stated, earning nods of agreeance from everyone else.

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