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It had been about two years since your time in WWE. After you were injured by the Shield, you were in and out of surgeries for a couple of weeks. The doctors attempted to do everything they could to repair the damage that your spine had taken. You didn't see Dean, Seth, or Roman while you were in the hospital. Since they were still under contract, they had to keep moving from city to city, wrestling at all the shows.

They hated that they couldn't be there for you, and since they injured you on live TV, they had to keep up the appearance that they injured you as part of the storyline, which they hated even more. They didn't want to ever talk bad about you.

What's worse, is that they never got a chance to explain to you why they did what they did. Charlotte and Becky visited you in the hospital whenever they could. They tried to give you hope that everything would be okay. They eventually explained to you why the Shield did what they did and how Corbin didn't give them a choice, and while you understood the situation they were put in, it didn't make it any easier on you.

The fourth surgery you underwent was the last one. You were hoping that since it was the last one, it meant that you would be able to start training again. But, that dream was crushed when the doctors told you they didn't think you would be able to ever wrestle again.

Charlotte and Becky were there when you found that news out, and you remembered them trying to give you hope as you cried. The idea of losing everything you had worked so hard for was painful. Eventually, you pulled away from everyone though. You appreciated the support that Charlotte and Becky were trying to give you, but you knew that they wouldn't be able to help you through this. You thought about reaching out to the boys, especially Roman, but you knew if you told them that the doctors didn't think you'd ever be able to wrestle again, it would break them; and, you didn't want to cause them that pain. So, as much as it hurt you to do so, you cut yourself off completely from the WWE.

You thought about Roman every day since then. You were still deeply in love with him and missed him every day. You wanted to try and fix things between the two of you, but every time you came up with an idea to do so, your fear stopped you. So, for two years you did your best to just push away your feelings for Roman.

You spent your time by yourself trying to train back up. You refused to believe you would never be able to wrestle again. It was painful trying to do some of the moves, and it required a lot of patience. The hardest part was training by yourself. You found it hard to push yourself with no one helping to motivate you.

You still kept up with WWE, wanting to see how your friends were doing. But, it seemed like everything was falling apart over there. Charlotte and Becky had completely turned on each other, having one of the worst feuds in WWE history. Dean had turned on his brothers before eventually leaving WWE. Seth had gone heel and taken on the personality of "The Messiah". And, the one that hurt you the most to watch was Roman. He had gone heel with Paul Heyman managing him. He called himself the Tribal Chief and his cousins Jey and Jimmy Uso were right there with him, wreaking havoc wherever and whenever they could. You missed your friends, but you weren't sure if you wanted to return to WWE with the way things were now.


You had just gotten home from working out at the gym when suddenly there was a knock on your door. It was about seven o'clock at night, so you were both surprised and confused when you heard it.

You cautiously went to the door and when you opened it, your heart dropped. You felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes as you asked, "Dean?" Dean looked just as heartbroken as you did when he saw you. "Y/N," he said with a smile before walking closer to you and pulling you into a hug - one you gladly returned.

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