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You were in the gorilla of the stadium warming up for your next match with The Shield. You couldn't help but smile as you thought about how you spent your night with Roman, trying to push those thoughts out of your mind and focus on the match coming up.

The boys had their own routine they did before a match so you came to the stadium where the house show was being held a little early and you have just been getting ready. You only fall more in love with your shield gear every time you put it on. You weren't the only one who liked it.

While you were waiting in the gorilla for the boys, you felt two people walk up behind you and you immediately knew who it was, groaning internally as you turned to see Dolph and Drew standing there. For the most part, you didn't mind Drew. You felt like more than anything, he was being used by Dolph and you kind of felt sorry for him.

"Hey, Y/N," Dolph greeted with a smirk. "Hi, Dolph, Drew," you greeted back, not wanting to be rude. "Are you ready for the match?" he asked, standing a bit uncomfortably close. "Yeah, are you?" you asked, taking a step back. "I'm ready to fight the Shield, I'm not too happy with having to fight against you," he replied, trying to be as flirtatious as ever.

"Well, you could just forfeit the match," you replied with your own smirk, already knowing his answer. He chuckled a bit before telling you, "Or you could side with us. Come on, we're not so bad once you get to know us." "Sorry, Dolph, but I'm not siding with you," you responded, attempting to push past them, but Dolph grabbed your wrist, turning you around to look at him.

Suddenly, you felt an arm snake around your waist, protecting you as Seth and Dean pushed Dolph and Drew back. "I think the conversation is over," Seth stated, glaring at Dolph. Drew didn't say anything, he and Dean were too busy having a staring contest.

Dolph just laughed as he looked you up and down, telling the boys, "Don't worry, I wasn't threatening her or anything. I was just offering her a chance to be a success in this business." Roman scoffed before yelling, "Well, you might not have been threatening her, but I am threatening you. The next time you lay your hand on my girlfriend, I will beat you until you can't breathe."

Your heart stopped at Roman's words. Did he just call you his girlfriend? Seth and Dean looked at him for a moment before returning their attention to Drew and Dolph. You however glanced around the room and saw that everyone was looking at you and Roman now. I guess he shouted that louder than he meant to.

Dolph just rolled his eyes at Roman before pushing past him, taking his leave with Drew. When they left, Roman dropped his arm from around your waist as Seth and Dean turned to look at the two of you and asked simultaneously, "Girlfriend?"

A blush came to your face and you looked at Roman to see that he was blushing too. "Are you guys together?" Seth asked, looking between the two of you. Dean and Seth had hopeful looks on their faces as they waited for your answer. You looked at Roman for an answer but he seemed to be struggling to find one.

You weren't sure how to respond either, but clearly Roman thought of you as his girlfriend, and maybe he wasn't sure how to answer because he wasn't sure if you felt the same way. You did and you wanted to make sure he knew you felt the same way, so you replied, "Yes."

Seth and Dean looked like two kids on Christmas as they pulled the two of you into a hug. "I knew it!" Seth shouted happily, making you and Roman laugh. "Alright, alright, come on, we should get to our entrance spot for the match," Roman said, breaking out of the group hug. He interlaced your fingers with his and the four of you began walking to the spot.

"You know what this means, right, Y/N?" Dean asked. "No...what?" you questioned, a little scared as to what he was going to say. "Since Roman is our brother, that officially makes you our sister. Not that we didn't think of you like family before, but you know..," Dean replied. "And triple dates," Seth added, making you chuckle as you reached the spot the Shield was supposed to enter the crowd from.

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