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You woke up the next morning and Drew had brought you food and coffee. He was in the shower when you woke up so you graciously ate the food, and a few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom. "I can't thank you enough, Drew, seriously," you told him with a smile. He just shrugged his shoulders and gave you his own smile, before replying, "We'll just call it even."

Before you could respond, there was a knock on Drew's door. Drew went to open the door and as soon as he did, he was shoved back into the hotel room and against the wall. "Oh my god," you muttered to yourself as you got out of the bed to see what was happening.

"Where the hell is she, McIntyre?" you heard Dean ask as you turned the corner to see Dean holding Drew up by his shirt with Roman and Seth in the hall. "Dean! Stop! What are you doing?" you asked him as you pushed him off Drew.

"Are you okay?" you asked Drew, who just nodded his head as he glared at Dean. "What is wrong with you?" you asked Dean, pushing all three men in the hallway away from Drew. "You weren't answering your phone. I thought something happened to you, so I asked the receptionist if they saw you last night and they told me they saw you with McIntyre," Dean explained. "Did you sleep with him?" Roman asked you. "No, of course, she didn't...did you?" Seth added, all three men now looking at you.

You let out a sigh of frustration as you pinched the bridge of your nose. Sometimes, they were a little too overprotective of you. "No, I did not sleep with him. My phone was dead and there weren't any rooms left in the hotel. Drew let me sleep in his room because he had two beds. That's it," you replied, honestly a bit annoyed. "Oh," Dean responded as all three men looked a bit embarrassed.

"Well, from now on, you're staying in my room," Dean told you, earning a glare from Roman, but with him having a girlfriend he wasn't really in a position to argue it. "Alright, let me just get my stuff. Wait here," you told him as you entered Drew's hotel room again.

"I'm so sorry Drew," you told him as you saw him sitting on his bed. "Don't worry about it, I figured they'd come looking for you sooner or later," he replied. You gave him a small smile as you gathered your things and told him, "Well thanks again for letting me sleep here last night. Since you're on Raw and we're on Smackdown, I probably won't see you that often. But, congratulations on everything you've accomplished. You're doing a great job."

He smiled at you before saying, "Thank you, and it might seem hard coming back with everything. But, I have a feeling everything will work out for you." You smiled at him before leaving the hotel room. All three men were still standing there, waiting for you.

"So, what's the plan?" you asked Dean. "We should head towards the next city," Dean told you. "Okay, great, let's go then," you replied. "We could all travel all together like old times," Seth suggested, making you stop in your tracks as you looked towards Dean who shrugged his shoulders at you. "You're choice," he told you, making you groan internally.

You looked at Roman and Seth who had hopeful looks on their faces and you let out a sigh. "Sure, a Messiah, a tribal chief, a lunatic, and me all in one car. What could go wrong?" you responded, making Dean smirk. "Let's go to the car," you stated, waiting for them to all get their stuff before the four of you walked out to the car.

Everyone took their usual positions in the car with Roman driving, you in the passenger seat, and Dean and Seth in the back. For everything that was different, it made you smile how some things were still the same. A couple of hours into the drive, Dean and Seth were asleep, again, leaving you and Roman alone.

"I'm sorry about last night," Roman told you, keeping his eyes on the road. "It's okay, Roman. As long as you're happy I'm happy for you," you replied, also keeping your eyes trained on the road in front of you.

"I missed you," he said after another moment, making you smile to yourself. "I missed you too," you replied. There was another moment of silence before Roman asked, "So, are you dating anyone?" You let out a small chuckle before telling him, "No, I've just been focused on trying to recover from my injury." "I'm sorry about that," he stated.

"It's okay...So, how did you and Galina meet?" you asked him. "She came to one of our shows and she happened to go to the same bar we went to after the show," Roman replied. "She's not a wrestler?" you questioned.

"No, I don't get to see her that often," he responded. "That must be hard," you replied, doing your best to be supportive. "Yeah," Roman replied, trailing off after that. The rest of the car ride was pretty much silent until Dean woke up, begging you to play a game with him to pass the time, and of course, you complied.

A couple of hours later, you reached the next city. As usual, the guys got the hotel room keys, but instead of sharing a room with Roman, you were sharing a room with Dean. Luckily, Dean made sure to get a room with two beds so you didn't have to worry about it being awkward.

"Hey uce," Jey said, joining the group. "Hey," you greeted them with a smile. "Show's not 'til tomorrow," Jimmy said before Jey asked you, "So, are you going to hang out with us or what?" You smiled before asking, "Are you inviting me to spend time with the great Tribal Chief's right-hand men? It would be an honor." Jey smirked at your playfulness before the twins looked to the rest of the group for their responses.

"We'll be there," Roman told his cousins. "Alright, well we get dibs on Y/N first," Jey stated, as he and Jimmy hoisted you up on their shoulders. "Hey! Put me down!" you yelled at them playfully. "No can do, we need some alone time before those three join us," they told you as they started to walk away.

You looked back at Seth, Dean, and Roman for help but they were just laughing at you. Eventually, they were out of sight and the Usos set you down and led you to their hotel room. "So, what's with needing some alone time?" you asked, entering their hotel room.

"We wanted to talk," Jimmy told you. "About what?" you questioned, sitting down on the bed. "Roman," Jey replied. You let out a small groan and asked, "Why?" "Because you need to talk about it," Jimmy replied. "Fine, what do you want to know?" you questioned. "Do you still have feelings for Roman?" Jey asked sitting down next to you.

You let out a small sigh at the question but knew that you could trust them. "Of course I do, but he's with Galina now," you told them. "Y/N, Roman only got with Galina to try and get over you, and it didn't work. He doesn't even get to see her that often. Their relationship is basically a series of text messages," Jey responded.

"I appreciate you guys trying to make me feel better about it, but if he's happy, I'm not going to try and take that away from him," you replied. "He's not happy, uce," Jimmy said. "Look, we're not saying you have to do anything about it. I'm just asking you not to hide your feelings. See how things work out," Jey told you. You thought about his words for a moment, before responding, "Okay."

About twenty minutes later, the boys knocked on the door and that's when the real fun started. No matter what had happened, there was always one thing that remained true, you all knew how to have fun together.

You spent the rest of the night with them, having fun like old times. It made you miss the old times, but you knew you couldn't go back. All you could do was move forward.

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