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You woke up the next morning to the sight of Roman sleeping right next to you. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. You couldn't help but stare at him for a couple of minutes, noticing all of the details of his face. You wanted to say that you had no feelings for him because he was your co-worker, but you couldn't. You knew you had feelings for him since the first night you spent together. The difference then, was that you let yourself start to fall for him because you thought you would never see him again, let alone be working closely with him.

Deciding to try and push those thoughts out of your mind, you quietly got out of the bed and snuck into the bathroom with your bag. You changed into some workout clothes, remembering that Roman wanted to teach you some moves this morning. That was something you were looking forward to. In addition to spending more time with Roman, you knew that Roman was a skilled athlete who could teach you things you didn't know.

When you were done getting ready, you exited the bathroom and saw that Roman was still asleep. You wanted to do something nice for him since he let you stay the night in his room last night, so you took his key card to the room and left the room to grab some coffee and breakfast.

It took you about twenty minutes to get the food and coffee and return. You opened the door to the hotel room quietly, in case Roman was still asleep, and just as you entered, Roman woke up. "Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," you said softly, as you walked further into the room, placing the key card on the dresser in the room.

Roman groggily smiled at you, something you found completely adorable, before saying, "Oh, that's okay. I needed to get up anyway." You gave him a small smile in return before holding up the items you had retrieved, telling him, "I brought breakfast."

Roman's smile only grew as he sat up in the bed now, the blanket now falling down and revealing his muscles as his shirt was still off. "You didn't have to do that," he stated. "I wanted to, as a thank you for not letting me sleep in the locker room last night," you joked. Roman chuckled a bit at your statement before saying, "Well, thank you."

You just smiled in response as you handed him the coffee and food. The two of you ate together, making small talk. After you were done, Roman got up, getting ready for the day. "Did you still want to train today?' Roman asked you.

"Sure, it sounds like fun. Plus, we need to get ready for our match with Corbin and Alexa next week. We have to win it," you replied. Roman nodded his head in agreement, before stating, "Let's head to the gym then."

You left your stuff in Roman's room as you and he walked to the WWE gym together. When you got there, there was no one there which you were happy about. That meant that you and Roman could train together without being interrupted.

You and Roman got into the ring together as you both did a couple of warm-up moves. After a few more minutes, you asked Roman, "So, what are your signature moves you like to do?" Roman paused for a moment, finishing the exercise he was currently doing before standing up and looking at you. "Usually, I get the crowd going with my Superman Punch or the Spear, but I use the guillotine as my submission move," Roman replied.

"Okay, I've used the spear before, but I don't do it too often. My technique isn't as effective as yours probably is," you responded. "Well, let's see. Hit a spear on me," Roman told you. You laughed a bit at his words but immediately stopped when you realized he wasn't joking. "You want me to spear you?" you confirmed.

"It's the only way I'll be able to help you with it," Roman stated. You took a deep breath, thinking the idea was crazy, but deciding to comply with what he was asking you to do. You backed up a few steps to get a running start and then ran at him at full speed, tackling him to the ground.

Adrenaline Rush - Roman Reigns x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now