Chapter Twenty-Two : He's Gone

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Chapter Twenty-two

He's Gone

Isaac's POV

I'm exhausted. Beyond exhausted. I couldn't sleep. I hadn't eaten in probably four days, maybe more. I didn't have time. I was spending every waking moment I had looking for my missing mate and son and running patrols in my pack to hunt down the rogues that were trying to hurt them.

I knew it was my fault. I knew I should have controlled my temper better but it was too late now. He was gone. They were gone. My mate, my whole world had left me.

"Alpha Isaac, brother, you need to eat. I'll take a turn calling the packs, you relax for a second and have some dinner." Mike offered, holding out a plate of meat loaf, steamed veggies and mashed potatoes. He was approaching cautiously like everyone else since my temper had seemed to thin out the last few days without my mate here to calm me.

The food smelled good, Cassie's food was always delicious but i just didn't want to waste the time. My stomach had other ideas. It roared and the empty knot there grew tighter as the smell of the food floated around me.

I sighed and reached a hand out for the plate, "Fine but just until I'm done."

He handed my the plate with a sympathetic smile then grabbed the list of packs I hadn't called yet.

I'd been searching high and low, calling on my allies and their surrounding packs to see if anyone had seen Felix but so far nothing. I don't know how he's managed to stay hidden so long. Even after my trackers lost his trail we should have been able to pick up on bank activity or even a cell phone but we had nothing after the first night.

I could hear mike flipping through the papers and making the necessary calls but it looked like he was having about as much luck as I was. No one has seen anyone fitting his description or information. I'd been going at this for days with no luck. I'd barely left my office unless it was absolutely needed for my Alpha duties. I had a bathroom attached to my office so I didn't need to leave for that.  That, unfortunately, included for food. I knew I was pushing it. Wolves have a high calorie requirement even if we aren't being particularly active but I was still running my patrols so my needs were even higher.

I groaned, shoveling the food into my mouth, barely tasting it as it slid down my throat. The relief in my stomach was almost instant. Maybe I had been working too hard if I hadn't even been remembering to eat.

I polished off the food and was washing it down with a bottle of water when there was a knock on the door. 

Mikes head perked up and I growled but he ignored it and asked, "Who could that be? I thought you asked not to be bothered unless it was an emergency."

"I did." I growl again.

Mike moves from his seat and heads for the door and cracks it open to reveal Andrew on the other side.

"Can I come in and speak to you and Alpha Isaac, Beta Mike?" He askes, his voice shaking a little.

Mike looks back at me and I nod my approval so Mike steps aside and lets him into the office before closing the door behind him. Mike takes the seat he was in earlier but Andrew stands there in a formal pose waiting for me to acknowledge him as is customary when in the presence of an Alpha or Beta.

"Alright," I sighed while stacking the papers we had gone over already over to the side out of sight, "What do you need Andrew? It had better be important."

His face twitched and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other showing he was neervous but the question was why.

"I - I uh..." He started and swallowed like he had a lump in his throat, "I have news sir, But it's not good. And I'm not sure you will believe me."

I frowned and replied, "Andrew I trusted you with the wellbeing of my mate and son, I have trusted you with the single most important thing in this world to me. I trust you, so if you have something to say, say it."

"Well, you see, I heard something. I'm not sure what to make of it but I'm ninety percent sure I found traitors in the pack, or at least one of them. I'm not sure if there are more." He began making my eyebrows shoot up in surprise. 

We had been searching for the traitor since the possibility first came to light but had no luck. How had he just stumbled into some information when we had come up with nothing?

I nod and lean back in my chair, thoughts spiraling in my mind while I try to give him my attention and focus as he spoke.

"Well, its not really an isolated incident so much as I've seen and heard some things that, at the time seems harmless but now with Alpha Felix missing and the ongoing breaches in our security I thought I'd let you know and see what you make of it." He continued, "I noticed it the first time you had put me on detail for Alpha Felix. That first morning I felt like we were being watched but I didn't mention it to anyone because I put it off as perhaps be just being paranoid, you know, first big assignment jitters. Then it happened again and again. Not every day but enough to make me become more observant. I noticed one common factor every time it happened. The same person was always present and seemed to suddenly find the ground interesting when they would meet my eyes. Then today when I was coming out of the training room I heard something. A phone conversation between Terrence and someone name Zack. I hid and tried to catch what they were talking about but it was just the tail end of a conversation. It was something about payment for information and the target being located but out of reach because of another pack called Astoria Pack. I think it might have something to do with Alpha Felix because they said his name but that's all. I didn't catch most of it. I thought you'd want to know."

"Astoria.....I've seen that but where, " I mumbled sitting up straight and grabbing for the stack of papers we had gone over. I flicked through them and found what I was looking for quickly enough because the packs were organized with their files by alphabetical order.

"Astoria Pack. They denied having any information on Felix. Their Beta is who I talked to, someone named Jessie Blake." I growled, "He lied to me."

I look over to Mike who is clutching the seat so hard I'm surprised the upholstery isn't tearing. His normally kind eyes are full of anger and I knew what he wanted. It's the same thing I want; to rip out Terrence's traitorous throat.

"Find Terrence and bring him in. I want him in the cells and I want you to sedate him. I don't want him to shift so give him a strong dose. IF you have to, use force." I ordered and without hesitation Mike was on his feet and out the door.

"Andrew?" I say to get his attention as he's frowning and looking down, his eyes a little unfocused.

"Yes, Alpha?" He says, immediately at attention.

"You're with me. We are heading out to get my mate. Pack enough clothes for a few days, whatever else we need we will get on the way. You have fifteen minutes." I ordered then grabbed my keys wallet and phone, shoving them into my pocket and snagged the packs file off of the desk.

"Sir, aren't you going to call ahead for permission?" He asked hesitantly, looking a little worried.

"No, they lied last time. I'm not going to give them a choice." I affirmed with a low growl. The sneaky bastards are hiding my mate from me.

Maybe he wants to be hidden. Every think of that. I ignore that thought as I leave my office, locking it behind me, and head for my suite to pack for the trip.

' We need mate!' Castien growls and I can't agree more. 

I feel like I'm losing my mind without him. I hate my self for snapping on him. I hate my self for making my mate feel like he isn't my whole world. I'd take on the depths of Tartarus for him if it meant I could keep him by my side. As soon as I had him back I'd make sure there's not way for him to ever doubt it again.

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