Chapter Seventeen : Wolves Descend

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Isaac's POV : 

"We tracked them back to the western boarder Alpha but their scents vanished just before crossing over." Andrew informs me and I feel anger burning in side of my chest.

"How the fuck can their scents just vanish? They smell like putrid rotting flesh, thats kind of hard to miss! And for that matter HOW THE FUCK do they keep getting past patrol?" I growl, making the trackers and warriors flinch.

Again it's Andrew, one of my best warriors, that speaks up. I'm guessing he drew the short straw. If I wasn't so pissed off I might have laughed.

"Our best guess is that they are using some kind of spray to disguise them selfves, Alpha." He answeres, "We found this vial near where the scents diappeared."

He steps up and places the vial on my desk before stepping back in line with the others. I pick it up and turn it in my hand examining it to see if there was any evidence of it's prior contents. I notice a small amount of liquid left in the bottom. It's barely a drop but I'm hoping enough to run an analyisis test on it.

'Mike I need you in my office.' I mind link him.

He was supposed to be spending the day with Cassie and Dante in my suite as sort of an extra guard for Michael and Felix but this was too important. I didn't want to entrust it to someone else.

'I'll be there asap, Alpha.' He replies before closing the link.

"I know you're all working very hard and I know I'm pushing it but I need you guys to capture them. I can't risk my mates safety or the safety of the pack and there something about these little run-ins that doesn't sit right with me. They are testing our patrols. They are testing our strengths. Show them we are not weak. Show they we will not break." I order, the Alpha command thick in my voice.

"Yes Alpha!" They answer in unison and I wave them off, dismissing them from the room.

 I wanted to talk privately with Mike when he arrived and we had already covered the new patrol routes and groupings so there was no reason to keep them any longer. I needed to talk things over with Mike and see what he made of it all.

I couldn't risk this getting out of hand. If the rogues continued to slip past patrol and get onto the property, whos to say they can't reach the pack house? I needed to be sure that it didn't happen. I made a promise to my mate that I'd keep him safe and I would not break that promise.

"There's something else Alpha. Something I've noticed over the least week I thought I'd mention." Andrew speaks, pulling my attention back to him and I looked around noticing he was the only one left in the room.

I raise a brow at him, wondering why he waited for everyone to leave before he spoke up.

"Alright, What is it?" I ask, taking a seat in my chair behind my desk.

"There's a pattern, Sir. In the way they attack that is. It's always when my team or Sedrics team is  patrolling. There's no deviation."

"You think there's a mole?" I ask, understanding why he wanted to speak alone now.

He nods and answers, "It makes sense, Alpha. They always know where we are going to be and how to get around us without getting caught. It's like they know the strengths and weakneeses of every member of my team and they play to them. It's more than just hiding their scents, Alpha. I think someone is helping them from the inside."

I think about it for a moment and what he's saying makes sense. Rogues aren't very smart by nature and these ones seem to just have a way of knowing where and when to escape without getting caught. It's possible that someone within the pack in helping them but the question is who. It would have to be someone who could come and go without being caught or seeming suspicious.

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