Chapter Eight : Boy's Day Out

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Chapter Eight:

Boy's Day Out:

Felix's POV:


"Daddy, wake up! Daddy I want brekfass!" A small voice whines in my ear, pulling me from my foggy half sleep.

Michael is curled up in his blanket next to me on the couch where I had tucked him in last night, looking half asleep.

"Daddy!" He whined again, sticking out his little lip in an adorable pout.

"Alright, alright, I'm up." I grumble and yawn while glancing at the clock. Three hours of sleep, not bad.

I stood from the couch and winced as my tired muscles and joints protested and popped. I groaned slightly feeling the blood return to my limbs and made my way into the kitchen.

I checked the fridge and cabinets and frowned while making a mental note to go shopping soon and grabbed the French vanilla instant breakfast. Noticing there was only one pack left I sighed and mixed it up in my baby boy's cup before taking it to him and turning on his favorite morning cartoons.

I returned to the kitchen and made my self a cup of chamomile mint tea to calm my frayed nerves and settle my stomach. I sighed happily as the hot liquid ran down my throat, ignoring the slight burn.

I rejoined Michael on the couch in the living room and cuddled up next to him I pulled him close to me, being careful not to brush his injury and smiled at the peaceful look on his innocent little face.

He had been so upset last night after we had arrived home from the party but of course it was more about not getting to play with Dante more or getting to see him pen his presents. Being the tough little boy he is, the cut on his leg had meant little to nothing to him once it had been cleaned and bandaged.

It pissed me off though.

Everything had been going good. He was laughing and smiling one minute and crying on the ground with his leg covered in blood the next. I know boys will be boys and kids get hurt but the cut was caused by a knife or blade of some kind.

My hand unconsciously brushed the marks on my side that had at one time, looked identical to the one on his leg. A cold shiver of pain and fury crawled up my spine.

My baby had been hurt. Then Dante's dad, Mike, had brushed it off like it was a normal accident. It made me want to smack the man.

The uncle though, he had looked ready to kill. His beautiful green eyes had been set ablaze as he kept glancing between the cut and the people that had made there way over.

My heart fluttered a little in my chest without permission at the thought of that man. Isaac, a dominating, take charge man if I've ever seen one. First impressions are everything and mine of him were not good. The man sent my brain into a fit of fuzzy when he came near, my usual instincts to run, gone.

The man is more than attractive, I mean he practically screams sex god but his aura screams 'Leave me the hell alone'.

His personality leave something to be desired. I mean, who leaves their kid with a complete stranger, or walks away without so much as a 'Hi!'.

Stupid, infuriating, attractive....

"-ddy. Daddy!" Michie's voice broke through my thoughts.

"What's up bab-" I go to ask but I'm cut off by a loud knock on the door.

I instantly freeze as I feel the claws of panic welling up inside of me. I swallow it down and turn to Michie.

"Stay here and stay quiet. I'll go See who it is." I quickly tuck his blanket around him after standing and slowly making my way to the door.

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