Chapter Twenty-three : OH COME ON!

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Chapter Twenty Three:


Felix's POV:

"Daddy, When's we goin home? I miss Tey!" Michael asked for the hundredth time today, just like every other day since we left. It was understandable, he's five and he misses his best friend but my patience was starting to wear thin.

We were in the kitchen at Jessie's house and I was in the process of making lunch while Michael was supposed to be working in a workbook I had grabbed for him from the store the day before. I hadn't switched his schools yet because I wasn't sure if the office workers at Isa...the pack's land would tell him where I was. I didn't even know if he cared enough to check but I didn't want a trail. I had been careful to ditch everything and use only cash until I reached Jessie's home. I even threw out my cell phone and bought a cheap little burn phone from the local store. It wasn't just him I was running from. I was running form Zack still too. He was the ever present danger looming over our heads like a god damned pendulum.

Even with all of my precautions I knew though, I knew we would only be safe here for a bit. It was only a matter of time. Jessie assured me I had nothing to worry about. He was very good at his job, which he was very vague in describing to me but he made it sound like security wasn't his only line of work and I had briefly wondered if my kind hearted, hair brained friend has joined the mafia or something. 

His exact words were "If someone is stupid enough to come around here sniffing for you I'll make sure they are never heard form again."

He's crazy but he's my best friend. Part of me felt horrible for bringing my problems to him but an even bigger part of me was grateful for the help, no matter how brief it might be. Tonight I would sit down and make a plan for our next steps. I'd also have to figure out a way to convince Jessie that it's safer for everyone if I leave. I already knew he'd be against it and would argue that he could protect me. But could he do it against a pack of literal wolves?

Jessie was in a mood anyhow and had been since he filled in for his boss a few days ago. It was two days after I had arrived. He came home in a foul mood but tried to hide it. His smile didn't reach his eyes when he tried to laugh it off. I knew him too well for him to hide it but I didn't push him.

"Daddy!" Michaels screeched, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Baby boy, calm down!, " I admonished, placing a PB&J and goldfish crackers in front of him before taking away his workbook.

"But you's not answerin me Daddy! When are we going home?" He asked again.

"We can't go back there." I answered, losing my temper slightly as my voice rose above what is an acceptable inside voice, "Now eat your lunch. We have to run to the store before Uncle Jessie gets home."

" But Daddy, Tey is my friend! I haves to go back! I misses him! Don't you miss Mr. Isaac and Mr. Mike and Mrs. Cassie?" He argued and pouted as his little eyes turned glossy.

"That is enough Michael! Daddy is doing his best but right now we can't go back. You don't understand but I promise I'm only doing what's best for us okay? Daddy is doing his best. Now eat, we have things to do today." I spoke but I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him or my self.

I couldn't tell him I missed them. They had quickly become family. I loved them all like they were our family. and Isaac... well I loved him far more than I should have apparently. The pain in my chest was a near constant reminder of that. The need to turn around and run back to him was proof enough.

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