i know it hurts being alone, even if you aren't physically, mentally you might feel like you are. surrounded by people but that one person who made you feel less alone creeps back into your mind and suddenly you feel even more lost than you did before. just know that it's okay to miss them, it's okay to still love them. i know it's hard to see them and not have them in your life like they once were. you know how much they meant to you and how much they still mean to you. if they couldn't see that when they were in your life then it's their loss for missing out on someone who was so amazing then filling the gap in their life with someone who doesn't care nearly as much as you do. it'll take time before they realize just what they missed out on. when everything falls apart they'll think of you and how you wouldn't have treated them this shitty, like the way they treated you, like the way their new puzzle piece that doesn't fit quite right is treating them. they caused you pain, suffering and heart so broken it might never be repaired... because of this, karma will bring it back around to them. apart of you wants them to feel the way you felt but the part of you that still loves them, would never actually wish that upon them. it's completely normal to want them to feel both ways because at some point in time, they will. they played you, made you feel things that are so strong you can't forget them no matter how hard you try... but one day the things they did will make you stronger. it might be hard to see that right now, even i can't but i have to believe that something better and brighter is to come after all of this darkness.
when the time comes, there must be someone out there who can make me feel happier and safer than they did... right? if I don't believe in that then how will love ever find me again? it's hard because i didn't believe in love or finding home within someone until i felt it with them. now i'm homeless with a heart that feels unlovable, a reflection in the mirror who questions their worth but tries to fill their mind with thoughts that they are worthy... worthy of so many good, positive and beautiful things.
The Girl Who Weeped Like A Willow
Poesiathis is a book of poetry that will be updated regularly. it holds my deepest thoughts and feelings. some poems will have trigger warnings. this collection of poems is based off of heartbreak and losing someone who means the world to you but also los...