Episode 1: Mythic Knight Power!

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Summary: Adventuropolis, a city built from the ashes of Adventure Bay, has been very successful, and the Rangers couldn't be happier with all the changes. But there's a new team of Rangers that wants everything the PAW Patrol way. It's a clash between good and evil Rangers. Who will win this first fight?

In Adventuropolis, it was an early Saturday morning. Chase was having a dream of where he was morphed into his new Mythic Knight Ranger form fighting Blank Rangers.

Chase: HA! HA! HA! Bring it on, villains! I'm ready to take you on any time, any place!

Then Chase began punching and kicking Blank Rangers, knocking them down with each hit. Then a few Blank Rangers came out of nowhere and we about to blast Chase with their guns.

Chase: Oh no you don't! Shield!

Then Chase used his shield to block the lasers.

Chase: Mythic Claymore!

Then Chase drew out his Mythic Claymore and made a slash that knocks out the rest of the Blank Rangers.

Chase: Blue Mythic Knight Ranger, with the power of the Dragon! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!


Then Chase woke up seeing his friends on his bed.

Chase: Oh, hey guys. Why'd you wake me? I was having a great dream.

Skye: We're we having a romantic date in your dream.

Chase: Uhhhhh... yeah?

Then Skye snickered at Chase.

Everest: We just want to remind you that today is Saturday.

Other Rangers and Wynter: Yeah!

Chase: So?

Marshall: Don't you remember? Today is the grand opening of the Adventuropolis amusement park.

Rubble: We got tickets weeks ago.

Wynter: And we've been waiting for this day so we can get there early and be the first ones to ride the best rides.

Chase: Oh yeah. I forgot. Let's get ready right away.

Other Rangers and Wynter: Already did.

Chase: Huh?

Skye: Yup. You're the one who's late this time, Chasey.

Chase Very funny.

Then Chase hurried himself to get ready for the day. After that, the Rangers, Wynter, Sheldon, and Lucy-Grace were at the door.

Sheldon: Is everyone ready?

Rangers, Wynter, and Lucy-Grace: Yes.

Sheldon: Then come on, the amusement park awaits us.

Rangers, Wynter, and Lucy-Grace: Okay!

Then the Rangers, Wynter, Sheldon, and Lucy-Grace left the house to go to the Adventuropolis Amusement Park. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the ocean behind the island to where the PAW Patrol Lookout was, there's now an evil underwater lair where the DARK Patrol, formally known as the PAW Patrol and with Ryder, thinking about what happened during the last encounter, how they were burnt by the destruction of the Mech Monster and how the power of Sheldark's helmet turned him into a Minotaur themed Ranger.


Then Rocky, Zuma, and Tracker, who now have grown up human minds and glowing red eyes, came into the main chamber as soon as they heard Ryder yelling.

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