Episode 9: Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder

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Summary: A new Blobfish Nega Ranger has been sent to turn the beautiful Skye into the ugliest girl in the world. Now that Skye's looks are hideous, it wasn't long before her attitude turned ugly too. Now Skye must put her looks aside to save Adventuropolis with her friends from the bad guys.

In Adventuropolis, Skye was in the bathroom, preparing for her date with Chase. She spent hours trying to perfect her makeup and hair for this special occasion. She was so focused on making herself attractive that she spent more than 2 hours in the bathroom. Marshall needed to use the bathroom so be began banging on the door to make Skye go faster.

Marshall: SKYE!!! Skye, please! I got to go to the bathroom!

Skye: Later, Marshall! I'm busy making myself amazing.

Marshall: What's up with girls and makeup!?!

Then Marshall began doing the pee-pee dance to distract himself from the urge of going to the bathroom. Then Rubble, Everest, and Wynter, came over and saw Marshall doing the pee-pee dance.

Wynter: Marshall, why are you doing the pee-pee dance?

Marshall: Skye is spending way too much time in the bathroom accessorizing herself with makeup and styling her hair! Honestly, why would girls spend that much time for that!?!

Then Everest started daggers at Marshall.

Everest: So, we can look our best for our boyfriends.

Rubble and Wynter: Oooooooooohhhhh...

Marshall: I'm... so... sorry!

Then Everest huffed and Skye came out of the bathroom looking absolutely stunning.

Skye: Hey, everyone.

Marshall: Finally!

Then Marshall rushed into the bathroom. Then Skye began to admire herself.

Skye: So, how do I look?

Everest: You look amazing, Skye.

Wynter: Chase is going to go crazy when he sees you.

Skye: Thanks. I know he will.

Then Skye went downstairs where she found a handsome looking Chase. They both came close to each other and began to admire how gorgeous they looked.

Chase: You are the most beautiful girl ever.

Skye: And you're the most handsome boy ever.

Then Chase and Skye kissed for a few seconds. After they stopped, came in Sheldon and Lucy-Grace stood between them.

Lucy-Grace: So, Chase, where are you and Skye going today?

Skye: Oh, we're going to dance at this new club that's opened up in Adventuropolis.

Sheldon: Okay, and when will you two be back?

Chase: Around 11.

Sheldon: Alright. Have fun you two.

Skye: Okay, daddy.

Then as Chase opened the door, he accidentally hit Mr. Humdinger on the other side with the door.

Mr. Humdinger: AH!!!

Then Mr. Humdinger collapsed on the porch. After that, Chase and Skye helped him up.

Chase: Humdinger, are you alright?

Mr. Humdinger: No! You hit me in the head with a door!

Chase: Sorry. My bad.

Mr. Humdinger: Yeah! You're bad!

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