Episode 14: Gal Pals Forever

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Summary: After spending so much time with Skye, Everest believes that she's turning into her and has forgotten about all her other personal qualities before she became a Ranger. Skye heard everything and became insulted, causing a fight between the two girls that scares the other Rangers. Meanwhile, Zuma wants revenge on Everest for stealing Skye away from him as her best friend.

In Adventuropolis, the boys and Wynter were making a large house of cards on the kitchen table. The four Rangers were trying their best not to make any noise or sudden movements for the card tower to stay up. Just as Chase was about to put the final card on top of the tower, the door burst open, causing the tower to shake and fall.

Chase, Marshall, Rubble, and Wynter: What!?! Awwwww...

Then Skye and Everest came into the house looking like they've just been to the mall.

Skye: Hey, everyone. We're back.

Chase: Oh hey, you two. Where have you been?

Everest: We just got back from the mall and just got these new outfits.

Skye: Don't they look cute on us?

Then Skye and Everest began to admire their new outfits.

Marshall: You two look fantastic.

Wynter: Real gorgeous, girls.

Mr. Humdinger: Hey!

Mr. Humdingers yell startled the Rangers. Mr. Humdinger was in the living room making his own house of cards on the coffee table.

Mr. Humdinger: Do you mind? I'm trying to finish my house of cards.

Rubble: You're making a house of cards just like us?

Marshall: You couldn't find something else to do that just copy what we're doing to pass the time?

Mr. Humdinger: You're just jealous that my house didn't topple like yours.

Chase: Like we care.

Everest: So, bestie, what should we do now?

Skye: How about binge watching all our favorite movies.

Everest: Girl VS. the Universe? Woman in Love? Broken Heart? Romeo and Juliet?

Skye: Yup!

Then Skye and Everest squealed like a pair of cheerfully excited teenage girls, making the other Rangers laugh.

Skye: I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back.

Everest: Okay.

Then Skye went to the bathroom.

Marshall: Wow, and I thought I was seeing double.

Everest: Huh?

Marshall: You two are totally like the same person. You used to love snowboarding and eating just like Rubble and loves to be around nature. But now you're more like Skye.

Chase, Rubble, and Wynter: Marshall!

Marshall: What?

Everest: That's not true. Do I act like Skye, guys?

Then Chase, Rubble, and Wynter began whistling innocently, making Everest worried.

Everest: Guys?

Chase: Well, you don't like to be around the wilderness a lot like you were as a pup.

Rubble: Your fashion sense is becoming similar to Skye.

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