Episode 20: The Black Knight

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Summary: A New Black Ranger is revealed and wants to be part of the team, but the girls, especially Skye, don't want the Black Ranger to be one of them because of what "she" tried to do to them. Now the girls and the Black Ranger must learn to work together and save the boys and Adventuropolis. Meanwhile, the Cerberus Rangers are in the Crystalrealm where they meet an old minion of Sheldark that helps them on their quest.

In Adventuropolis, the Rangers and Rydark were having a battle until a mysterious figure came into the fight, and everyone was shocked with who that mysterious figure was.

Rangers: "Gasp!"

Marshall: No way!

Rydark: What!?! Impossible!?!

The mysterious figure was a female Black Mythic Knight Ranger.

Black Ranger: Am I late for the party?

Rydark: Late!?! You weren't even invited!

Skye: A Black Mythic Knight Ranger!?!

Everest: What!?!

Marshall: No way!

Rubble: How!?!

Wynter: Huh!?!

Chase: What's going on?

Then the Black Mythic Knight Ranger charged at Rydark.

Black Ranger: Shadow Dragon Claymore!

Then the Black Mythic Knight Ranger summoned her Shadow Dragon themed Mythic Claymore and began attacking Rydark until she made a powerful slashed that knocked Rydark down. But then he got back up.

Rydark: First five Mythic Knights, then six, and now seven!?! I don't have to take this!

Then Rydark teleported away. After that, the Rangers demorphed and approached the Black Ranger.

Marshall: Okay, what is going on?

Rubble: I thought we were the only Mythic Knight Rangers here.

Skye: Who are you?

Wynter: What are you doing here?

Everest: And why does your suit look like ours?

Chase: Guys, stop. Whoever you are, thanks for saving my life.

Then Chase offered the Black Ranger his hand and the Black Ranger shook it.

Black Ranger: No problem. Sheldon and Lucy-Grace just gave me my new powers and I'm still learning how to use them.

Then the Rangers were shocked that the Black Ranger knows about Sheldon and Lucy-Grace.

Chase: You know Sheldon and Lucy-Grace?

Black Ranger: Yeah. Who else would have given me Rainbow Mythic Knight Power Ranger powers?

Skye: But Mom and Daddy never told us about you.

Black Ranger: That's because it was supposed to be a secret.

Rubble: Okay, that's troubling.

Everest: Okay. When we get home, we're going to have a long talk with our parents.

Black Ranger: Mind if I come with you guys to your house?

Marshall: Do you even know where we live?

Black Ranger: Yeah. I've actually been there myself many times. I know the way.

Then the Black Ranger started walking towards the Rangers house with the Rangers shocked that the Black Ranger knows where they live and that she has been there many times before.

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