Episode 11: The White Knight

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Summary: Sheldon and Lucy-Grace has finally given Wynter her new Mythic Knight Power as well as her own Mythical Creature, the Light Dragon. Wynter loves her new powers, so much that she refuses to demorph, annoying everyone else. Meanwhile, a new Bat Nega Ranger is trying to take over the night.

In Adventuropolis, Sheldon and Lucy-Grace have gathered the Rangers and Wynter to the base for a special surprise.

Chase: Okay, Mom, dad, why did you gather us here?

Sheldon: I am so glad you asked. You know how you, Skye, Marshall, Everest, and Rubble all became Mythic Knight Power Rangers and not Wynter?

Wynter: No need to mention it like that.

Lucy-Grace: Well, Wynter, honey, today's the day you finally join your friends.

Rangers and Wynter: "Gasp!"

Wynter: Really!?!

Sheldon: That's right. Wynter, you're now the sixth Mythic Knight Ranger.

Wynter: Cool!

Lucy-Grace: Your color is white now.

Wynter: Awesome! Wait... white? I thought I would be gold again.

Sheldon: Nah! The white color is more fitting for your mythical creature.

Wynter: Ah! So, what's my mythical creature.

Then Sheldon showed a crystal statue of a Light Dragon, a dragon with only two legs instead of four.

Lucy-Grace: Here it is: The Light Dragon.

The Rangers and Wynter were amazed with the Light Dragon.

Chase: Another dragon. Nice!

Sheldon: Yup. The Light Dragon is just like Chase's Lightning Dragon, but it's a light elemental version.

Wynter: I love it, my new color and mythical creature!

Rubble: I'm so happy for you, Wynty.

Wynter: Thank you, Rubby.

Then Rubble and Wynter embraced each other with the other Rangers giggling at them.

Rubble and Wynter: Shut up!

Sheldon: Wynter, are you ready to be infused with the Mythic Knight power of the Light Dragon?

Wynter: Yup!

Sheldon: Then let's get it on.

Then the Light Dragon Crystal Statue began to move and flew up into the air, amazing the Rangers. Then the Light Dragon charged at Wynter and infused her with the Mythic Knight power of the Light Dragon just like what happened with the first five Rangers.

First five Rangers: Woah!

Wynter: Oh yeah!

Then Sheldon gave Wynter her Morpher and Mythic Knight Key.

Sheldon: Here is your new Morpher and Mythic Knight Key.

Wynter: They're perfect!

Lucy-Grace: We're so glad you love them, Wynter.

Chase: Welcome back to the team, Wynter.

Skye: We get to be the Three Ladies again!

Everest: Yeah!

Marshall: The Three Ladies?

Everest: It's a thing between us ladies.

Then the girls giggled for a bit.

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