Episode 7: Match Breakers

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Summary: The DARK Patrol has decided to break up the couples. So, they sent a Chameleon Nega Ranger to create misunderstandings, causing rifts between each Ranger couple and making it harder to concentrate on saving Adventuropolis again. Now, the Rangers must learn to stop fighting and focus on finding out what's really happening.

In Adventuropolis, the Rangers and Wynter were having a triple picnic date at the backyard. Chase and Skye were sharing a slice of cake, Marshall and Everest were chatting while holding two glasses of orange soda under a tree, and Rubble and Wynter were cloud watching.

Chase: This is cake is so good, but as good as you, Sweetie.

Skye: Awwwww... you're so sweet for saying that, Chasey.

Then Chase and Skye wrapped their arms around each other while holding a spoonful of cake, then they fed each other the cake before kissing for a few seconds.

Marshall: Cheers for our love, Evy?

Everest: Cheers, Marshy, my love.

Then Marshall and Everest clicked their glasses of orange soda and took a little sip, enjoying the orange soda and each other's company.

Rubble: Those clouds aren't as magnificent as you, Wynty.

Wynter: Awwwww... you're better looking than those clouds anyway too, Rubby.

Then Rubble wrapped his arm around Wynter and they snuggled together. Then Marshall took out a bell and rang it.

Marshall: Humdinger, get out here!

Then Mr. Humdinger, wearing a butler suit, came to the picnic looking grumpy.

Mr. Humdinger: I can't believe I let you, triple couples, talk me into doing this.

Marshall: My lady and I wish to share more orange soda with our fellow couples. Please bring us another cold bottle, and make it sparkling.

Mr. Humdinger: Yes, sir.

Then Mr. Humdinger brought Marshall and Everest another glass bottle of orange soda in a fancy ice bucket.

Everest: Thank you, Humdinger. Now off with you.

Then Everest brushed him away.

Mr. Humdinger: Ugh! Fine!

Everest: What was that?

Mr. Humdinger: I mean yes, mad 'am.

Then as Mr. Humdinger was walking away, Marshall noticed something wrong with the orange soda bottle.

Marshall: Hey! This orange soda bottle's looks slightly drank!

Everest: "Gasp!" Unacceptable!

Then Marshall threw the orange soda bottle at Mr. Humdinger's head. The bottle smashed into a million pieces as soon as it hit his head, inflicting a lot of pain to Mr. Humdinger.

Mr. Humdinger: OWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Then Mr. Humdinger collapsed on the ground unconscious. The other couples were shocked to see what happened.

Skye and Wynter: Yikes!

Rubble: Now who's going to get the orange soda?

Chase: I'll get it.

Marshall: Thanks, pal.

Then Chase went inside the house to grab a bottle of cold orange soda from the fridge. After that, he ran back to the picnic spot and poured everyone a glass of orange soda.

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