Episode 5: Movie Knight, Part 1

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Summary: After learning that the PAW Patrol show had a movie and Everest wasn't in it, she became devastated and upset, reminded of how she's just an occasional secondary member of the PAW Patrol. Everest is so hurt that it caused her to be mentally unstable that scares everyone else.

In Adventuropolis, a portal opened in the Ranger house and Sheldon and Lucy-Grace came out of it.

Sheldon: Thanks for accompanying me on visiting my parents, Lucy.

Lucy-Grace: You're welcome, Honey. Besides, they're technically my parents too and I can't stand being with them without you, especially your mother.

Sheldon: I know. I'm so glad we decided to live here now.

Lucy-Grace: Hey, kids, are you there?

Then the Rangers and Wynter came out of the portal looking grumpy from visiting their adoptive grandparents.

Sheldon: Oh, come on, guys, visiting your grandparents wasn't that bad.

Marshall: Not that bad!?! It was awful!

Sheldon: Okay, I'll give you that, Marshall

Skye: Grandma called me overweight! I'm clearly thin!

Everest: She also says my lavender hair is ugly!

Rubble: And she says I'm too big for girls to like me! What's wrong with being strong?

Wynter: And let's not forget pushy Grandpa! Ugh!

Chase: Now we fully understand why Sheldark turned into a villain. His and your parents, dad, are a nightmare.

Lucy-Grace: I know how you guys feel, it took a long time for Sheldon's parents to get used to me.

Sheldon: Come on, everyone, let's forget about your grandparents and do something fun to take our minds off them.

Chase: Why don't we watch a movie? Maybe we can watch something on Netflix, Disney, or Paramount Plus.

Lucy-Grace: How did you guys know about those streaming networks?

Chase: We've been learning a lot more about your world.

Then Chase, Skye, Marshall, and Everest sat on the couch, Rubble and Wynter sat on the floor in front of the couch, and Sheldon and Lucy-Grace sat on the couch chairs.

Rubble: Why do we have to sit on the floor?

Marshall: You know the rules, you two. Oldest kids get the couch.

Wynter: This is so unfair!

Everest: Yes, it is.

Then Chase turned on the TV using the remote and went onto Paramount Plus to find a movie to watch.

Chase: Where's a good movie to watch?

Then Chase accidentally found PAW Patrol: The Movie on Paramount Plus, which made Sheldon and Lucy-Grace nervous.

Sheldon and Lucy-Grace: "Gasp!"

Chase: Guys, look! PAW Patrol: The Movie!

Then the Rangers and Wynter were shocked to discover that their PAW Patrol lives had a movie and they didn't know it.

Rangers and Wynter: Woah!!!

Skye: I didn't know there was a theatrical movie of the PAW Patrol TV show!

Marshall: Mom, Dad, you didn't tell us we were all movie stars?

Sheldon: Well, only the PAW Patrol pups are movie stars.

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