The Not So Innocent Garden

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Shits crazy.

Now I have another person on me. Why can't my life be normal again? Who knows. Maybe it will never be.

Giving up so soon?

Hell no and Fuck you.

I hear a knock on the door. "Come in," I say nervously and she came in. The woman from yesterday. I slept all day from what she did with me. It wasn't even that long.

"Hello, Dear, hope you had a great sleep." she puts her hands together and grins.

"Why are you up here," I say sharply, glaring at her. Her eyes widen in surprise and she puts her hand on her chest. "Oh my? Well, don't you have an attitude? Mother always said it was always the spicy ones who were the best..." she says and taps her chin with her finger, looking at me.

"I'm being serious..." I mumble and she chuckles again. Why is she always laughing or whatever it is she's doing?

"I came up here to talk! And call you down for breakfast." she rolls her eyes at the last sentence.

"If we're going to be together, you have to know some stuff about me and I know some stuff about you!" she coos and brings her finger, and taps my nose.

"Enough with messing around!" I snap and she sighs, her eyes looking darker.

"You know you get on my nerves when you tell at me. I'm trying to be nice to you and love you."

"I don't care. We hardly know each other."

Her eyes widen and she clenches her dress. She looks as if she was about to say something but she stops.

"Call me Mani," she says and smiles.

"My name is-"

"Y/N L/N. I know. All of us made are required to know. The chefs, guards, butlers, everyone has to know."

"Why does everyone have to know?"

She stayed silent and then she grabbed my hand, pulling me out of bed. "Come on, let's get you ready."

Not really caring about what I wear today, I put on some comfortable clothes that I would enjoy, and I followed Mani down the stairs. I get downstairs to see Maxell looking straight at us.

Does he know what we did? What if he hurts us- Or worse, kills us? He doesn't seem to be angry but he's... Smiling?

I get at the table and sit right beside him or else he'll get angry and yell at me like a damn psycho again. It suits him since he is a psycho.

"I have some great news for you, Y/N." Maxell coos and gently move my pieces of hair strands out of my face and behind my ears. "What is it..." I ask, averting my eyes from his. He stares at my face for a bit then grabs a small box.

I stare at the box and he gives it to me with a smile. "Open it, love," With that, I open it to reveal a ring. "Oh... It's a ring." I mumble, staring at it. he walks behind me and wraps his arms around my neck, his chin resting on my head. "It's not just any ring, it's a promise ring. It's promising you'll be mine and mine only for as long as we stay alive and as long as our souls go on. So please, put it on."

I gently put the ring on my left hand on my ring finger. It was beautiful. Not as beautiful as it should be but that's only because it's Maxell giving it to me. He hums leans down to my neck, kissing it softly. "It looks beautiful on you, Y/N, my love." he kisses my neck a few more times until I hear someone clear their throat loudly.

He looks up and glares at the person. I then look up and see Mani who's also glaring. "Your food is ready," she says in a cold tone, holding the tray of breakfast in her hands. I look down to not make eye contact and Maxell speaks up. "Don't interrupt me again, Mani." She seems to have tensed up when he said her name. "Ah, yes sir..." she quickly puts the breakfast out in front of us.

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