Other side

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I wake up in a pair of muscular arms, knowing it's Maxell. I push his arms off me, but they wrap around me again, but I don't dare move them again after remembering the photos from yesterday.

He's a Monster. I never thought he would be that type of person when I met him. I should've walked away from him and said nothing. It's my fault the waitress is dead. It's my fault that the other people I hardly knew are dead.

"Y/N... Please stop." Maxwell says in my ear then nibbles it, making me cringe. I was confused about what he meant by stop. I didn't say anything or move.

He starts kissing the back of my neck, and I squirm a bit. He then stops and gets out of bed. "I'll go make breakfast." he leaves, and I think of ways to escape.

I'll try to gain his trust, and once I do, he will unchain me. Then, I'll wait for some time to escape. I won't escape right away, and I'll act like I'm starting to love him. Maybe that'll work.

After a while of thinking, I didn't realize that Maxell had just walked into the room. He kisses my cheek, and I gain focus again, and I smile nervously. "H-Hey, Maxell..."

Maxell puts the breakfast tray in my lap and grabs a fork and spoon, smiling at me. "Hey, Love! What do you want to eat first?"

"Anything you want me to have first, I'll eat." I say, smiling. Maxell seems a bit shocked but he plops a piece of bacon in my mouth, and I eat it.

"That was so good, please more!" I say, trying to make him flustered a bit.

He feeds me the rest of the food he made me, and he leans in close to me.

I know if I make him think I love him, I will gain his trust and it will be easier to escape. So, I kiss him. Sadly still chained to the bed.

He kisses me back, and he grabs my chin, pulling It a bit more closer. We kiss for a while, and I break the kiss, panting and blushing.

"S-Sorry..." I mumble, feeling a bit embarrassed. Maxell lifts my chin towards him, and he looks at me with a blush on his face. "Why are you sorry? I want to kiss you every time I see you or think about you," he says and growls, and he slowly straddles himself on top of me.

"I've been waiting so damn long to have you... I've known you longer... I knew you before we even bumped into each other that day and became friends... But now... I have you... You're all mine. No one is going to change that."

He kisses me gently and stares into my eyes. Known me longer? We've only known each other for three or four days, nothing too long. It feels like we knew each other for weeks. Months. Maybe even longer. But really... We haven't known each other long enough to even be doing this. Why is he so... Obsessed with me?

Just then he starts kissing my neck. "E-Eh- M-Maxell, what are y-you doing..?" I couldn't help but blush and stutter.

"Shut up..." was all he said, and he continues kissing my neck and started biting it too. I stayed silent and let him continue leaving marks on my neck which hurt like hell because he was biting so hard...

After a while, he stops and looks at all the marks he left, and he kisses them all gently before looking at me again.

"You're so pretty, Y/N..." He whispers, caressing my cheek gently. "And..." he leans in closer to my face. "Fragile~" He chuckles and kisses me gently.

I don't say anything back, and I kiss him so he won't think anything 'suspicious'.

Few weeks later
Maxell has been very gentle and sweet with me like the old Maxell I used to know. He even unchained me from the bed, but still keeps me locked in the bedroom since he doesn't fully trust me. But, I can't complain a lot about it since I would rather be unchained than being chained.

Maxell comes in the room, smiling at me, and I smile back a bit. "Maxell... I was wondering... Can I ask you some things?" Maxell hums while nodding his head, and I smile.

"I was wondering when you'd let me come to school with you," I say a bit excited since I haven't been out of this house or room for weeks.

Maxell stays silent for a while. A little too silent.

"Maxell? You okay?" I slowly get off the bed and walk to him and grab his arm, gently. He looks down at me.

"When you can go out? When you can leave? Is that what you're asking?" He asks coldly, and I feel chills going down my spine.

"W-Well... Yeah..? J-Just to go to school with you..." Maxell bites his lip, closing his eyes. "Y/N..." he clenches his fists, and I keep talking.

"A-And maybe we could go to the park! And then get ice cream! Maybe I can see my dad-"


He looks at me furiously and pushes me on the bed. I start to tear up. He never had yelled at me like that before. I never thought he would snap.

I didn't even notice that I was crying. I starting to cry even louder, holding my head.

Maxell leaves the room and slams the door, leaving me there to cry. I cried a lot. I was scared. He wasn't going to ever let me leave? Go to school?

I was crying for hours, then the bedroom door opens, and I hug my knees tighter, laying in bed.

"Hey, Baby... I brought you some dinner..." Maxell says softly and walks to me. He tries getting me to eat it, but I won't eat.

"Baby... You have to eat... come on... Open wide..." he pokes the spoon against my mouth, and I don't open my mouth.

He starts losing his patients and out of nowhere grabs my neck. "OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH AND STOP CRYING!!" He yells, looking at me angrily, and I quickly open my mouth, more tears rushing down my face.

He shoves the food in my mouth, not giving me enough time to swallow, and he leaves the room, angrily after he gets done feeding me.

He comes back in the room later, and I'm still laying in bed, crying silently. He gets in bed beside me, and he pulls me in his arms. "Shh... You know you have to eat your food and not try leaving me... You know that very very well..."

That only caused me to cry more. He flipped me over to face him to see me looking down and crying. "Look up at me, Baby..."

I didn't want to look up at him. I was scared of him.

"Baby... I said Look up at me... You don't want me to raise my voice like earlier, do you..?"

More tears flew down my cheeks, and I quickly look up at him to see him smiling. "You look so sad. Maybe I can cheer you up..." He pulls me to his chest. "Cry... Cry all you want... All night if you have to..."

And that's what I did. I cried for two hours straight, and I fell asleep after.

I wanna leave...

Hello, fellow readers! Sorry, I haven't been updating lately, I've been quite busy, so I haven't been keeping up on this and was confused about what to write. Hopefully, you guys aren't too mad at me. Also, thank y'all Sooooo much for 1K Reads!!! That's awesome!! Anyway, I don't want to keep y'all waiting, so I'll get to writing another chapter! Goodbye, and love yourself!! I love y'all!!

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