Greedy For The Truth

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Maxell and I finally get to the garden after the somewhat long walk through the mansion and along the path. As we were heading there he dragged me along the whole time, not taking a second to let me catch a breath. Gosh, how I hate some men. The nerve of them... Anyways, we get there and Maxell huffs, letting go of mt now sore wrist and crosses your arms. ¨Be quick and look around in there. Don't keep me waiting too long... If you get lost just call for me. I'll be fast...¨

Maxell didn't seem to enjoy the fact on how I wanted to go explore the garden, his reasoning being its getting dark, its too big to explore it all in just a few minutes, I want your love... His excuses were along all of those or just worse in some ways he worded it.

I ran inside the garden almost a bit too excited. Why was I so excited? Well, I was confident I would find something amazing or mysterious. I wasn't gonna just sit there. I always liked exploring stuff. Just not a garden... Definitely not. Not any as big as this one, that is.

I look around for a bit and kick a few pebbles that were laying around here and there. I groan in frustration and kick a big rock "Ow!! Ugh! Where is that stupid carrot patch?!"

As if all my answers were given by the universe, up ahead was a carrot patch. "Oh heck yeah!!" I yell in happiness and run towards it.

When I reach it, I realize it looked different than it was before. It was rotten. Only a few had the orange and green colors standing out as if it was trying to come up from the ground. It was the roots. They looked very strange. I digged through it to only find a pack of fold rotten flowers saying "Will you be my one and only love? Please consider going on at least one date with me. Will confidence and love, --" The last part was cut out, rotten and thrown away.

I groan in frustration once again. This was not the one I found before when Maxell was with me!! I then go along to find several more carrot patches but pass them all since it was either obvious it wasn't the one I've seen before or they just had a small little sign saying "Carrot patch grows here :)".

I come up to a very similar one and run up to it, not paying close attention to the sign on the bushes saying "I'm waiting". I gently dig through the dirt only to find yet another thing. An envelope and tear it open to find a piece of ripped paper inside following along with the words,"Batard is chasing after me like a wolf as if I deserve any of this. I just wanted to go home! I just had a small crush on the girl! I only asked him to give advice but he went crazy. I don't wanna die to this freak over some small crush, he can have her!"

I tense up from the words. Is this evidence to a murder? This is not any ordinary letter, I'm sure. There's no was it could be. Why would someone make such a fucked up letter and call it "Ordinary"... It just wasn't adding up. Nothing was right here. I needed to see what was up.

I look around more and find a lettuce patch. My gut was telling me not to go but I ignored it. I looked up to see a sign saying "He made her but now she will be mine."

¨What the...¨ I noticed there was something golden poking out of the ground.

I squint my eyes and bend down closer to it only to find it to be some kind of golden jewelry. I pick the jewelry out the ground to see its a golden ring... A very familiar ring.

Panic hit my body as I realize this ring looked like someone I have known my whole life. I quickly get on my knees and start digging in the dirt, not caring it the dirt goes into my nails, some roots cutting my fingers. I finally stop digging, tears fill my eyes, my vision blurred as I find out what was under that so called innocent vegetable patch.

It was my Dad.

My Dad. His body... It was gone. I only pulled up his hands, nothing else joined. He was gone. Nothing but ruins. He was left to rot.

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