Wow, I'm Actually Posting Stuff 😃👍

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You had previously been imagining Biana's room as one about the size of your own, you know, a normal, standard bedroom for all your basic needs, and were concerned as to how much space you would have. But as it (unsurprisingly) turns out, her room is DEFINITELY big enough for all eight of you. After seeing how Sophie's room took up the entire top floor of her house, you weren't sure why you thought Biana was any different. Why do elves need so much stuff anyway?

As promised, the bodyguards mill the hall outside the room, of course with a little resistance from Sandor and Ro, both for very different reasons.

"Welcome to my room!" Biana announces. Ro peaks in from outside.

"That's ridiculous," she says with disapproval. "Little Miss Vacker, I believe you have the sparkliest room in the sparkliest house in the sparkliest city there ever was."

"It's not that it's sparkly, it's just... kind of flashy," Biana retorts.

"Kind of?" Ro snorts. "I think I'm going blind." She turns back towards Sandor. "Listen Gigantor, you do NOT want to go in there. Like on second thought, I think they'll be fine on their own."

Biana rolls her eyes. "Anyways... oh Ro, would you be so kind as to shut the door?"

"My pleasure," comes the snarky reply as the door slams shut.

"Sooo..." Biana looks around at everyone. "What should we do?"

"We could play some games," Linh proposes.

"Like spin the bottle?" Biana suggests immediately. Linh makes a face like that was not at all what she had in mind.

"No," Tam interjects. "Not like spin the bottle."

"Aw, but I already have a bottle!" Biana complains, pulling an empty fizzleberry wine bottle from behind her, which had seemingly come out of nowhere. You almost ask how she even obtained that, but then decide you don't really want to hear her bragging about being a Vanisher for the umpteenth time.

"Okay who votes we do not play that?" you ask. Everyone except Biana and Keefe raise their hand. You look questioningly at him, and he winks at you. You turn away, ignoring the fluttering in your heart.

"Ugh, fine," Biana says, setting the bottle aside. "Well that ruins half my plans for the night."

"Yeah okay, anyone have any better ideas?" Tam asks.

"Oh! Oh! How about truth or dare?" Biana suggests, ever full of disastrous ideas.

"Well, that is better than spin the bottle," Sophie points out. Everyone kind of halfheartedly nods in agreement.

"Actually, let's compromise!" Biana says, suddenly deciding to not give up. "How about truth or dare..." she pauses for dramatic effect, making sure she has everyone's attention. "Or spin."

Everyone stares at her with varying mixes of dread and confusion on their faces.

She sighs. "You do the whole truth or dare thing, and then if you really don't want to do it, you can just spin the bottle!"

You all look at each other, as if silently trying to decide if the compromise is worth it.

"It's either that or makeovers for everyone!" Biana threatens.

There is a collective grumble of acceptance as everyone reluctantly agrees on truth or dare, or spin.

"There's literally no way this is gonna end well," Tam mutters under his breath. Nevertheless, you all sit down in vaguely circle-shaped arrangement to begin whatever trouble Biana has in mind.

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