At least you didn't have to wait 2 years this time😬🤷‍♀️

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Sorry guys I had to graduate real quick🥳🎉🎉

So much for feeling motivated😭 We're just gonna start right back up with whatever I had in my draft document so if I don't really remember what's going on sorry for the disconnect😬

Let's get into it!😀


Your eyes open quickly by now. You always wake with a start. With no sense of time, you just drift in and out of consciousness. Always tired, rarely relaxed enough to sleep. You've been allowed to move about the cave in darkness, but you can never seem to find the door as you feel along the rough walls. He gives you water every once in a while, food even less frequently. At first you refused to consume anything he gave you, should it be a truth serum or a sedative.

By now, it's just a matter of survival.

You can tell your mental state has been degrading. Between never knowing what time it was or how long you'd been there, the near complete isolation and long period of time spent in the dark, and frequently being subjected to torture, you can definitely feel your sanity slipping.

The torture still includes fire, but it now often includes knives or other sharp objects. You always cry but never speak. Sometimes the sobbing continues long after he's gone. The worst is when all you can do is stare silently into the blackness while you blister and bleed. Every time you wake up again, you seem to have healed much more than expected, but you don't think it's from sleeping for days. He's definitely putting effort into keeping you healthy enough to hurt.

This time is different.

You find the reason for your waking is that the man forcing you to live this nightmare is coming through the door, flame in hand. Every muscle in your body instinctively tenses.

"Not to worry, Y/N, we're doing something different today." The words send a shiver up your spine. "Although I haven't broken you enough to get you to talk, it seems your mind is starting to break instead," he continues. "And although I'd love to spend more time making you cry and beg for mercy, it's getting quite exhausting, and I don't want you too far gone to be useful."

"Then what are you going to do?" you spit hatefully.

"Well I've finally got someone to come to us that can break your mind for you, and take all your memories in the process."

So this was it. He'd brought a Telepath to break your mind and find all the information anyway. Every bit of pain you'd endured to protect yourself and your friends? It didn't matter. All the ways you'd tried to keep yourself sane and alive? It meant nothing. At this point you'd prayed to every god you could think of, wished on every star in the sky that you would be saved and you'd be able to see the sun again, see another person's face, breathe the fresh, outside air.

And none of it mattered. All your chances were gone today.

"They're preparing for you now, but I'll be back in a few hours with them to finally get this over with." He places a dish of bland food and a cup of water in your lap, unchains your hands and leaves you by yourself in the dark once more.

After sitting in silence for a moment, you gingerly take a sip of the water. It tastes grimy and lukewarm. You don't take a second sip.

A single tear rolls down your face, dripping into the cup. You humorlessly think of how much better your tears would taste than the water.

Another tears leaks from your eye.

And another.

And another.

You sit there, all alone in the dark, without comfort, without hope, silently crying at the wall.


That's all I had in the drafts so I guess I'm gonna actually have to write now😔

Super short chapter to get back into it but trust I'm working on it☝️

Anyway nice to see y'all again, you always knew I'd come back. Gotta get to work lmao, happy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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