Yes I'm Writing A Sleepover Chapter: Part 1

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You're extremely excited to go to Biana's sleepover, because the only people out of the entire group that you've officially met are Sophie and Keefe. You were honestly surprised that Biana had invited you until Sophie had explained that it was actually so you could meet everyone.

Edaline is probably just as excited as you are, but Grady and Sandor are obviously opposed to the whole idea.

"You girls have fun!" Edaline tells you as you and Sophie stand near the Leapmaster with your bags.

"And remember," Grady starts. "There are gonna be boys there, so no funny business."

You roll your eyes. "Okay, Grady."

He turns and glares at Sophie.

She sighs. "I know, Dad."

"Sandor will be with you guys at all times (A/N: this is literally where I left off all that time ago, your girl didn't even punctuate this shit)."

"I go where you go," Sandor adds on, which you find both unhelpful and obvious.

"I KNOW, Dad," Sophie repeats. "And Sandor."

"We'll be fine," you assure them with an eye roll, but you smile nonetheless. "I'll make sure she doesn't get into any trouble."

"No, I'll make sure the both of you don't get into any trouble," Sandor says sternly. You and Sophie look at each other sideways.

"Right," you say.

Edaline eagerly guides the two of you under the crystals, and Sandor scrambles to join you. "Bye bye now!" she says.

"Remember!" Grady restates, "No funny business!"

"I've got it, Lord Ruewen," Sandor promises as the light sweeps you away.

You blink the light out of your eyes, only to be greeted by the especially sparkly mansion that is Everglen and the gate-shaped sun.

"Um, Y/N, you can let go of my hand now," Sophie reminds you.

"Sorry!" you yelp, releasing your iron grip on her hand, which you were holding so tight because the idea of breaking apart and fading away had never seemed all that inviting. You hate light leaping, but it sure beats Sophie's suggestion to drag you off a cliff.

She pulls her hand away and shakes it out, flexing her fingers, as if trying to regain feeling in them.

Just then, Biana runs out the front door to open the gate for you guys. You blink a couple times to make sure that her form disappearing and reappearing as she walked isn't just you losing your mind.

"Hi guys!" she exclaims, "Sophie, Sandor, and you must be Y/N. Nice to meet you!" She extends her hand, which is covered in an elegant lacy glove. You reach out and shake it.

"Hi Biana!" you say in an attempt to match her bouncy energy. She's even prettier than you thought she was going to be, in an ocean colored dress that complements her eyes. A dress that you're sure would look ridiculous on anyone else, but Biana wears it like it's what she was born to do.

"Y'know, it's kind of weird that you know my name. But don't worry, I know all about it." She smiles kindly at you. "Well, come on in, everyone, we've got food."

Sophie walks with her towards the door, but you're a bit reluctant to follow. Being in the presence of such a building and the people that own it have made you feel a bit bashful.

"Well go on now, I don't want to stand outside forever," Sandor says from behind you. "After all, I've got a teenage party to chaperone," he mumbles with sarcastic excitement.

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