This Might Be A Sokeefe Fanfiction, I'm Not Sure Anymore

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"WHAT?!" Sophie and Fitz shout at the same time. Fitz seems to instantly regret saying it, and looks away in embarrassment. You're only focused on Keefe's reaction. He looks mildly surprised, but the rest of his expression is unreadable, which makes you frustrated. You hope he's not looking to see your reaction too. Not that he needs to.

As for you, you're feeling slightly relieved, just knowing that he's not going to get what he wants out of you, but you're having trouble ignoring the pounding disappointment in your heart and the fact that you, just a little bit, kind of want it too.

"Oh come on, you guys agreed to this!" Biana groans. You can tell she really wants the drama, but is still reluctant to make anyone uncomfortable.

"Well now, I didn't say I wasn't going to do it," Keefe says with that trademark smirk. You hate that smirk. It should NOT be that easy to make your stomach fill with butterflies.

Sophie still looks unsure of what to say.

Keefe moves closer to her, as he does, rolling the bottle to the side, out of his way. "You okay with it, Foster?" he asks sweetly.

Now that he's closer you can smell his cologne. Every breath makes your head spin.

Sophie sighs. "You know what, fine," she says with an eye roll and a bit of a smile.

"We don't have to if you don't want to," he says again, already close enough to kiss her.

"It's fine," Sophie says in a small voice, now visibly nervous. You can't help but have a quick thought of just what Grady would do if he knew what was going on at this very moment.

"Alright then." Keefe shrugs. He puts his fingers under her chin and pulls her into a short, second-long kiss. It still makes your heart drop. You're disgusted with yourself for the feeling you now know is jealousy, and you cringe knowing that Keefe definitely felt it coming off of you.

When he pulls away, finally allowing you to think about something else, you observe the other people's reactions. There are really only three interesting ones. There's Dex, who just looks kind of sad. You feel sorry for him, which does feel better than feeling sorry for yourself. Tam, quite frankly, looks like he's planning on hiring a Washer after this event is over. And Biana, unsurprisingly, seems to be fully enjoying herself.

Sophie's cheeks are heavily dusted pink, and you notice Keefe's are too. You try your best not to look too much into that.

That's an expected reaction! you tell yourself, kind of fed up with your feelings at this point. Keefe innocently licks his lips as he sits back down, but it causes you to die inside in a few different ways. He looks at you from across the circle, and you instantly avoid eye contact and try to quiet your thoughts.

"Wow, this is going GREAT!" Biana exclaims with way  too much enthusiasm. "Now Keefe, you ask someone."

"Sophie," he says, looking at her. "Truth or dare?"

"Um... how about dare?" Sophie decides. "I don't think I want to answer any 'truth' questions."

"I dare you to kiss me again," Keefe says with a grin.

Sophie opens her mouth to probably stutter out a response, but he saves her the trouble by laughing, saying, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding. I only wanted to see your reaction." He winks at her.

You have never felt so angry. At yourself, of course. Angry that it hurts you to watch this, to know that he flirts with every. single. other. elf. You're not special.

"I dare you to go into the room across the hall with Fitz," Keefe states as his actual dare.

They both blush. "Why?" Sophie asks.

"I dunno. Feel like you guys have some things to talk out," Keefe says mischievously. They both hesitate.

"Well, then," Biana gets up to shoo them out. "Off you go!" Everyone watches as she goes to rush them through the door.

"How am I gonna ask the next person?" Sophie protests.

"Don't worry about it." Biana pushes them into the hallway. As she returns to the rest of the group, she says, "Tam, how about you go next?"

"Alright," Tam says. "I dare everyone to get ready for bed and go to sleep. This game is scary."

Biana snorts a laugh. "You can't do that Tam. You have to ask an individual person a question."

"You think I'm joking?" he asks. They stare each other down for a second before Tam says, "Fine. Biana, truth or dare?"

"Well you're probably gonna dare me to end the game, so I pick truth."

"Aww, that's exactly what I was going to do," Tam groans. He thinks for a second. "Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?"

Linh nudges him playfully. "Tam!"

"Um..." Biana blushes. "Yeah."

"Really?" Tam raises an eyebrow. "Who is it?"

"Doesn't matter, you already asked your question," Biana says smugly. Just as she's deciding who to be her next victim, someone knocks on the door. "Ugh." She rolls her eyes dramatically.

"Hi guys," Della says cheerfully. "You should probably think about getting ready for bed. It's getting late."

Before Biana can kindly reject that offer, Tam stands up quickly. "That's a great idea Mrs. Vacker. We'll get right to it." To show their support of his decision, everyone else jumps to their feet to get stuff from their bags.

"Oh my gosh you guys are boring," Biana says, slowly getting up to follow the rest of you.

"Where are Fitz and Sophie?" Della asks.

"Oh, they're fine," her daughter responds.

"That doesn't answer my question." But after a moment of silence, she shakes her head. "Well, I'll see you kids in the morning. Don't make too much noise, all of you." And then she leaves.


It's currently 2am, which I suppose is an improvement from last night, but just in case, I must apologize for any potential sleep-deprived writing mistakes.

I'm actually almost done with the next chapter because I wrote a BUNCH for this one, and then realized it was really long and just decided to cut it into two. This chapter alone is 943 words, so I think it's quite alright that I'm splitting them up.

I know I'm making the sleepover thing like 4 chapters long, which I greatly apologize for. I just can't stop putting SO MANY WORDS. I have a problem.

Anyways, hope y'all like Sokeefe, because it appears that I forgot exactly what the point of this particular story is. I also had to write more pre-counseling Sophitz than I really wanted to.

Love you guys, the next chapter will probably be out in a bit, if not, see you tomorrow! :)

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