Friends and Foes

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Whatever you do, don't catch feelings for him. You keep repeating this thought to yourself as you get dressed for school. 

"Wow." You frown as you look at yourself in the mirror. Not even the very human sneakers on your feet can outmatch the stupidity of the Foxfire uniform. No way you were wearing THIS in public. Shaking your head, you remove the silly outfit and its half cape, replacing it with ripped jeans and a hoodie. You smile at your reflection. 

This is much better. You think. Someone knocks on your door. 

"Y/N?" Sophie asks. "Can I come in?" 

"Yeah!" you call back. The brown eyed girl pokes her head in and sighs as she spots the crumpled uniform lying on the floor. 

"I figured you weren't going to like it," she says. "But you have to-" 

"Nope!" you decide, cutting her off. "Not happening." You walk towards the door, beckoning for Sophie to follow. She sighs and shakes her head at you, muttering something to herself. You raise an eyebrow. "Do I want to know what you just said?" 

She grins. "Probably not." 

As you head towards the Leapmaster, you talk, updating Sophie on how the human world has been since she left. 

"Wow, it's changed a lot in only a year." 

"Yeah," you agree. 

You wave goodbye to Grady and Edaline as you stand under the crystals. You finger the nexus around your wrist and observe the blood red stones set into it, smiling at the gorgeous color. Sophie opens her mouth, but you immidiately think of something. 

"Wait!" you stop her from issuing the command. She tilts her head in confusion. 

"Is something wrong?" she asks. 

"No," you shake your head. "I just wanted to ask if I can say it." 

"Go ahead." Sophie rolls her eyes in amusement. 

"Foxfire!" you shout excitedly, ready to leave before Grady and Edaline notice that you're not wearing your uniform. 

You arrive at the school with Sophie, still surprised by its magnificence, even upon seeing it the day before. You chat as you go to orientation. 

"Well hello there Princess," a flirtatious voice says behind you. 

"Princess?!" You turn around to see the ice blue eyes of Keefe Sencen staring back at you. Where did he come up with that terrible nickname? 

He steps closer to you, forcing you to look up at him. "I can't think of a better name for someone as pretty as you." 

"Well I can," you say, rolling your eyes and trying to ignore how close he is. "How about just 'Y/N?'" 

"Nice try Princess," he leans down next to your ear. "You're stuck with it." 

You shove him away, well aware of the looks you're getting from the students around you. Some are amused, and some are angry. Most of the angry ones are from other girls. 

Before you can tell him off for being such a flirt, Dame Alina's picture shows up on the screen as she begins making announcements. 

"First off," she starts. "I'd like you all to welcome our first human student to Foxfire!" A spotlight appears where you're standing, and you shrink, hating to be the center of attention. Whispers rush through the crowd in waves.  

"That's a human?" 

"No it's THE human." 

"I thought that was another elf." 

"Why is it in our school? Why is it in our home?" 

"Why does SHE get all the attention from Keefe?" 

The last one was from a girl with a very annoying voice. You decide that if they're going to dislike you, you're at least going to show them you're not weak. 

"Okay, first of all," you say, not letting your voice waver as hundreds of eyes turn to you in your little spotlight. "My prefered pronoun is 'she,' not 'it.' SECOND of all, I'm actually here to help you all. You have an enemy, and I'm going to use my knowledge to help defeat them. My life's about to get really stressful, and the last thing I need is hate from everyone around me." 

You pause, deciding it's not worth holding up a good reputation when someone shouts, "Humans are filthy and don't deserve to be here!" 

"Yeah, I certainly deserve better than this!" you say before taking a step towards the boy who insulted you, gritting your teeth in frustration as the spotlight follows you. 

"Ah, so they're violent too!" Your hands curl into fists. 

"I'll show you violent," you growl, too quietly for him to hear. 

"Okay, everyone, calm down," Keefe says, stepping in front of you and holding up his hands, approaching you as though you were a wild animal. He looks towards the screen with Dame Alina on it. "Aren't you gonna help me break this up? You're our principal!" 

"Keefe, do not be impolite," she scolds him. You smirk, remembering how much the two hate each other. "And Lykor," she tells the boy who was mocking you. "You need to be more respectful to your fellow peers." 

"Yes ma'am," Lykor grumbles reluctantly. He shoots you a glare as the spotlight finally turns off, and Dame Alina resumes the annoucements. 

"Wow," Keefe says. "Who knew this Princess had such a fiery tongue?" You scowl at the nickname as Biana giggles. 

"Making enemies on your first day," she says, shaking her head. "He does have a point though. I can't wait until you get to know Stina. Maybe she'll finally meet her match!" 

"Oh I can't wait to get to know her either," you say, cracking a few knuckles to make a point, smiling all the while. 

"Cute," Keefe whispers. You glare. 

You turn your head. "I actually have someone else to get to first." You direct at Biana, giving Keefe your most fearsome Death Glare, knowing he probably finds it adorable. 

"In what way do you mean, Princess?" He leans in far too close, dusting your cheeks with pink. And the color darkens as your realize what he meant. 

"No! Gross!" You shove him away and he laughs as he stumbles backwards. 

"I was joking," he says. "Got to go to class." He waves at the others and begins to walk past you. But he leans down on his way by and whispers, "Unless you don't want me to be joking..." 

"Keefe!" He laughs, dodging you as you swing your hand out towards him, and runs off, giggling like a little girl. 

You mutter some creative words and turn back to everyone else. Everyone, even Linh, is giving you that look

"What'd he say?" Biana asks, wiggling her eyebrows. 

"Get back here!" you shout at her as you run after the laughing girl, a small smile creeping across your face. 


OKAY WAIT BEFORE YOU KILL ME! I promise that I'll put that little moment I said I'd write last time in the next chapter. 


Social studies homework still needs finishing, but I won't be THAT sleep deprived until like 4am. 

Please don't come after me. 

I love you guys! 

Although if you do come after me I won't have to do that homework...

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