What Even Is This Chapter

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"Glitter Boy!" Ro shouts as the pastures of Havenfield fade into sight. She marches up to him and you release his hand, moving out of the way of the angry ogre princess. "What did I tell you?"

"Don't go into the Forbidden Cities without a bodyguard." Keefe mumbles.

"And what did you do?"

"I went into the For-"

"You went into the Forbidden Cities without a bodyguard!" Ro shouts, answering for him. "I was ordered to be your bodyguard for a reason, and that reason is so that I can protect you, which is impossible when you're not with me!"

You giggle. "I think you've been spending too much time with Sandor. You're starting to sound like him."

Ro snorts. "Bold of you to assume I spend time with him." She turns back to Keefe, who flinches at the movement. "Listen, Scrawny Boy, you gotta promise me that you won't do that again."

"Well..." Keefe smirks mischievously.

"I suggest you do it, or you might want to avoid your dinner tonight," she threatens.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine," Keefe pouts while crossing his arms.

"Good boy." She pauses for a moment. "On second thought, I guess you should get a punishment."

"Wha- OW!" Keefe exclaims as Ro grabs his arm and drags him away. "Ro that hurts!"

"Well maybe it wouldn't if you weren't so scrawny. Come on!"

"Help me Princess!" he begs you. 

"I don't know what you're doing," you shout to Ro. "But do your worst!"

"What?" Keefe says.

"You have my word." Ro grins at you, heading inside the house to use the Leapmaster. Just then, Sophie comes out the door and asks Ro something, disregarding her victim. Ro points to you and Sophie runs over.

"Hi Y/N!" she greets you.

"Hey Sophie," you reply. "I heard you needed to ask me something."

"Yeah, it's been bugging me. I don't even know if you're going to tell me, but I had to ask."

You raise an eyebrow, urging her to tell you.

"Um... who do I get matched with?"

You stare at each other for a second before you can finally speak. "Seriously?" She opens her mouth but you interrupt her. "You had Keefe come drag me out of school, and promptly humiliate me in the process just to ask a selfish question like that?"

"Well... I mostly just want to know about..." she mumbles the last word.

"What?" you ask, already irritated at the insignificance of your visit. She mumbles again.


"I want to know about Fitz!" she says. "I'm sure you already know that, but it's been bugging me, so I want to know, will I tell him soon?"

"That's not up to me, Sophie," you sigh. This is, unsurprisingly, not the first time she's asked you about Fitz, but it's definitely the most inconvenient time she's done it. You couldn't blame her, honesty. You often think about Keefe like this, but you can't tell Sophie about her relationship with Fitz. Can't tell her about being unmatchable.

And that's when you knew, that with this great knowledge came even greater responsibility. It was all up to you to make the hard choices.


Wow. This chapter was so absolutely useless and redundant that the only reason I didn't delete it was because I'm too lazy. I'm honestly sorry you had to read that.

Anyways, my twin brothers turned 12 today so I got pizza and cake and ice cream. 

So anyways.

When I say you CAN put suggestions in the comments, that really means PLEASE put suggestions in the comments. I literally have no ideas. Well, I have a few, but let me tell you, this story has no plot. It's not supposed to have a plot. Because I know when you searched up "Keefe x Reader fanfiction" you did not mean a story, you meant Keefe time.

p l e a s e   g i v e   m e   i d e a s

Whatever you want (that isn't too sexual).

I don't blame you if most of you have abandoned me, but for those of you that haven't, I'm literally begging you.

Thank you and good night.

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