Here You Go You Thirsty Bitc-

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Keefe snorts as you exit Biana's bathroom. "Cute pajamas, Princess."

You look down at the adorable little imp on the shirt Elwin gave you as a welcoming gift to the Lost Cities.

"Shut your face, Sencen," you retort.

As you look around the room, you can see that Sophie and Fitz have returned. Both of them look a little blushy, which doesn't give you hope that they were talking about anger management for Wonder Boy.

Ro has appeared in the doorway, squinting and shielding her eyes with one hand. "Gah, it's so- bright!" she chokes out.

Biana rolls her eyes for what must be the 50th time that night. "Oh, stop it. It's really not that sparkly."

"Yes it is!" Ro looks to you for support.

"It is a little bit sparkly," you admit jokingly.

Biana cracks a smile. "You guys are the worst."

You walk up to Ro as she comes in.

"Well, what have you guys been up to?" she asks. Her eyes fall on the bottle on the floor, which Della thankfully hadn't noticed.

"Oh, nothing much," you reply casually. "What've you got in your hand?"

Ro uncurls her clawed fingers to reveal a bottle of blood colored nail polish. "Just a sleepover staple."

"Oh no, that's right!" Biana cries. "I forgot to give you guys makeovers!"

"No, really, it's fine," Tam mumbles. Biana shoots him a dirty look.

"If you don't drop the attitude, Mister, then I'm gonna pin you down and give you a new hairstyle!" she threatens.

Tam snorts. "I'd love to see you try."

"I'm sure you would," she snaps back.

You smile and turn back to Ro, who has sank into a beanbag chair to begin painting her claws.

"You elves sure like to go to bed early," she says.

"Well, Fitz and Biana's mom suggested we do so, and I'm pretty sure there was only one person who wanted to continue playing 'truth or dare, or spin,'" you explain.

Ro raises an eyebrow, not looking up from her nails. "Well Hunkyhair's gonna need to tell me all about that when we go home tomorrow." You roll your eyes at the name.

"Alright guys, I'm turning the lights off soon," Biana announces. "Get to your sleeping bags!"

"What!" Ro protests. "I literally just started this!" She gestures to her two painted claws. She is left ignored.

You crawl into your sleeping bag, along with the others. Biana claps and the lights go out.

"Oh my gosh," Ro grumbles.

"Well guys, this is the fun part," Biana declares.

"I don't know if I can take anymore fun," Dex murmurs.

"Now we start the 'gossip' part of the sleepover," she finishes. "Like talking about boys."

"Biana, I love you, but I think I'm this close to jumping out that window over there," Sophie says.

"No no no, let's talk about boys," Ro says troublesomely.

"Yeah, like Bo!" Keefe suggests. Ro growls in frustration.

"Watch it, scrawny boy," she warns.

"Dude, I thought you kissed Sophie to avoid conflict with Ro!" Fitz laughs. The room falls silent.

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