I Am Currently Throwing Hands With Writer's Block, Here's The Result

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Aight we back to your perspective

You blink the sparkles and flashes out from under your eyelids, making sure to actually let go of Sophie's hand this time as Havenfield comes into view.

Grady and Edaline are out in the fields, making another desperate attempt to feed Verdi vegetables. On the ground are a few gnomes, helping them man a catapult. The catapult is loaded with a purple, melon-like food.

"On three!" Grady shouts to the gnomes. "One, two, three!" They launch the gourd at the brightly colored dinosaur, holding their breath.

Verdi, of course, dodges it with graceful and deliberant intent.

"Oh, come on!" Grady yells, throwing his hands up in frustration. Verdi lets out a deafening roar. Edaline laughs behind him.

Sophie snickers beside you. "Welcome home."

You grin. "Oh, for sure."

Grady and Edaline then turn to see you, Sophie, and Sandor standing on the path, and Grady waves his hands to signal to the gnomes to halt. He and Edaline run towards you with a big smiles on their faces and neon feathers in their hair.

"Girls!" Edaline says. They reach out to give you guys hugs, but then hesitate, and Grady instead steps back to pick a feather out of his tunic. "You know what, we'll just hug you after we shower," he laughs.

"Thanks, Dad," Sophie jokes. He smiles again.

"Welcome back!" He nods to Sandor.

"Did you girls have fun?" Edaline asks excitedly.

"Yeah!" Sophie shouts. You nod.

"Hopefully not too much fun," Grady says, raising an eyebrow.

You and Sophie look at each other, making a silent agreement, before she says, "Of course not, Dad."

Grady looks skeptically to Sandor, who just shrugs helplessly.

"Well!" Edaline says to break the silence. "You guys should come in. Have you already had breakfast?"

"Yep!" you answer. "I got to try a bunch of elvin pastries."

"Oh, lovely! What were your favorites?" she asks as the five of you make your way back to the house. Grady rejoins the gnomes.

"I'm gonna try and get Verdi to eat this one last tangourd!" he calls. You all wave to him.

"Uh, probably the custard bursts," you respond to Edaline's question. "But I couldn't chose a favorite flavor."

"Just wait till you try mallowmelt." Sophie nudges you. "That'll ruin all human desserts for you forever."

"You might need to work on your marketing," you giggle. "But I do really want to try it."

You all settle in the kitchen while Edaline grabs some lushberry juice.

"So," she says, setting down a tall, cold glass of the vibrant purple liquid in front of you. You nod your thanks. "Did nothing really happen over at the Vackers'?"

You take a sip of the lushberry juice as Sophie shakes her head at Edaline. "Nope. We just... hung out."

The juice is sweet, but with a tart fruity flavor as well, making you want more. It'll probably end up staining your mouth violet, though.

Edaline raises an eyebrow, then shrugs. "Well, alright then." She turns to you. "Did you like the elvin food you tried?"

You nod, setting the glass down. "Yeah! Some of it even tasted kinda like human food."

"Well that's nice."

You all sit in silence for a moment, sipping your juice.

"Well," Edaline says, breaking the silence. "I'm sure the three of you are tired. You two," she points to you and Sophie. "Should go upstairs and rest." She turns to Sandor. "Would you like for someone else to take over for a bit?"

Sandor stands quickly from his chair. "No thank you, Lady Ruewen," he replies with a salute. "I slept quite well, and nothing can get in the way of my duty anyways."

Edaline gives him an amused smile. "Well if you insist, Sandor. We're very grateful for your service." He nods seriously and sits back down.

Sophie snickers at you.

"What?" You glare at her.

"You sure finished that fast," she responds, pointing to your empty glass.

You roll your eyes. "Yeah? It's good!" you say defensively.

Edaline chuckles. "Would you like some more, Y/N?"

You shake your head. "No, thank you. I think I'm actually gonna head upstairs now." You stand up, grabbing your glass. "Where should I put this?" you ask.

"I've got it." Edaline snaps her fingers, and it disappears right from your hand. You blink in surprise.

"Huh," you say, not really sure what to make of that. You shrug and pick up your bag from last night, waving to Edaline, Sophie, and Sandor as you make your way up the big, fancy stairs.

You walk into Jolie's old room, closing the door behind you. Tossing your bag on the floor, you flop onto the bed, closing your eyes.

Of course the first thing that shows up in your mind is that moonlit hallway. You groan at your own infatuation, but it doesn't stop the memory of being so close to Keefe, face hot, not sure where to put your hands. You blush, maybe from how flirty he'd been, maybe from cringing at yourself. Probably a mix of both.

You're frustrated, wondering why you just can't keep your cool. And he's so cocky. It annoys you to no end. Always calling himself hot and teasing you about liking him. And it's so much worse because it's true.

You didn't think you were sleepy enough, but you find yourself drifting off, mind filled with reluctantly fond images of frosty colored eyes and messy blond hair.


Y'all I'm so sorry for the last couple chapters, I seriously have nothing going on in my brain when it comes to inspiration. I did manage to temporarily break through the block at 4-5am on a Thursday night when I wrote a 1500+ word kiss scene that I have nowhere to put, but now I'm back to square one. It took me FOREVER to finish this one, short chapter.

Also, I need ideas for a nickname that Ro can give you guys, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

I'll try to update as soon as possible.


I love you guys! 😊 Thank you for reading.

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