Wow I'm Bad At Consistency

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Yeah so this is not a chapter this is me apologizing for failing to continue updating ONCE AGAIN.

So let me explain. I'm going into highschool this year, so I'm doing 4 weeks of summer school so that I can get my Wellness class out of the way because it's required for at least two semesters (in separate years), and if I don't do it now I won't be able to take French and Orchestra. It's online of course.

Also I don't know about you guys, but where I live it is really getting HOT.

I hate summer. There's heat and bugs and spiders and I burn so easily in the sun because I'm so goddamn pale.

I mean hey, at least it's not Australia.

Where I am, most of the year it's a cooler temperature, which makes the summertime less tolerable.

Anyways, sorry about my absence, I'll be sure to update soon.

Hey so update, after lots of work we finally got our pool open and of course on the first day of swimming I sunburnt (I don't know if that's actually a word) my face and shoulders really badly and now my arms aren't fully functional. 

I did put on sunscreen.

THREE times.


Anyway, after I finish my Wellness lesson about drugs I'll get to this.

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