Guess who remembered they had a Wattpad againnnnn (✨biennial update✨)

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A/N: What's up guyssss😩

We're just gonna jump right into it😍

You're awoken by a knock on your door.

"Huh?" you mumble groggily, blinking against the bright morning sun shining through your window.

"Wake up sleepyhead, it's Monday," Sophie says with an amused smile. "We gotta go to school."

You bury your face in the pillow and groan. "Even in your perfect little elf world, we can't escape Monday."

"Oh my god," Sophie laughs. "Just make sure to be ready in the next hour." She shuts the door, leaving you on your own to get your groggy self out of bed on time. And you're not super motivated to do it.

Keefe will be at school.

You blush. Of course you would think of that. But suddenly you're pulling back the covers, wanting as much time as possible to get ready.

You stumble to the bathroom, brush your teeth, shower, and style your hair. You observe the unruly pile of makeup products left on the counter by their previous owner. You can do something with that. Just a little bit, of course.

For yourself. Of course.

Once satisfied with your appearance, you dress in your favorite clothes you have from home. You look in the mirror and smirk a bit, but immediately cringe at the fact that you know very well that you're trying to impress someone.

But you leave the bathroom and pull on your favorite shoes before you walk out to meet Sophie by the Leapmaster.

She looks you up and down. "You look nice," she says. The words are kind, but there's a sparkle of knowing in her eyes. You feel your face heat up again.

Am I that transparent?


Sophie nods and hands you a napkin with something inside. "I grabbed this off the table for you, I figured you'd be hungry."

You unfold the napkin to find a couple of custard bursts. "Oh thank you!" you exclaim. She must've remembered you saying they were your favorite, a fact that makes you smile.

"Of course!" she laughs. "Come on now, we don't want to be late." She grabs your hand and shouts, "Foxfire!" and the lights whisk you away.


You'd forgotten how different you are, and how easy it is to tell you apart with your human clothes and shoes, your human haircut, just everything about you. Whispers follow as you and the moonlark walk through the school, being the odd pair you are. But this time, you don't care. You hold your head high and walk with a cool confidence as you and Sophie ignore them, chatting casually.

You finally find your new group of friends and you and Sophie rush to join them. You wave and say hi to Biana, Tam, Linh, and Dex, but upon seeing Keefe, your demeanor of confidence immediately slips away. Instead of waving at him, you give him a sort of scowl. You haven't seen him since two nights ago when he'd almost kissed you in that hallway, and you're finding it kind of hard to think about anything else.

While the rest of the group chats about their weekend, Keefe slides up beside you, and you grit your teeth.

"Hey Princess."

You grit your teeth a little harder.

"Hi Keefe." You avoid looking at him, because you're afraid one look at his pretty face will crumble whatever cool you've got left.

He smiles. "How was your weekend?"


"Oh come on, did I do something wrong?"

You're sure to chip a tooth at this point.

"Ohhhh, I see." He leans close to your ear. "You're flustered."

He giggles as your face turns redder. "I'm just messing with ya, Princess," he says, nudging you playfully.

"Y/N!" Biana saves you from having to say anything. "Do you want to come to my classes with me? You know, since you don't really have a schedule."

"Oh, sure!" you respond, just happy to feel your face cooling down.

"Well if I'd known I could do that, I would've already asked her," Keefe complains.

"And I would've said no," you retort.

"Sure, sweetheart," he responds. The heat rushes back to your face.

Biana rolls her eyes. "Oh boy, this is hard to watch."

The bell rings, and you take the opportunity to get away from Keefe, rushing towards Biana.

"Let's go," you say. Biana rolls her eyes slightly while smiling.

Keefe winks at you. "See you at lunch, Princess."

You roll your eyes and walk away with Biana, but neither you nor Keefe were expecting that you would not, in fact, be seeing each other at lunch.


(Let's just ignore the fact that this is my 2nd 2-year break, mkay?😃)

Anyway heyyy y'all, nice to see you're all still here.

I read through the old stuff (minus the first few chapters from middle school because I would really rather NOT read that) and decided it was cute, but kinda boring, so I'm taking some of you guys' (2 year old) advice and spice it up.

But yeah here's a short chapter to start things up again, and let's hope I feel even a drop of motivation again before I forget about this (again).

I love you guys😭👍

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