Haii! As you should know, quite a few chapters ago I gave a few spoilers as to what will happen in the future of this story. Yes, I am going to make the things that I listed happen and one of which, will happen in this chapter. Let's also not forget that I have already made one of them happen (Emily has had something big happen to her). You can probably tell by the title of this chapter that there will be a time skip! 3 years! Let's see what's happened within the last few years ^-^ ...
Aria's POV:
"Mummy, where are my slippers? I need them nowww!" Cassedy asked me, running up to me with her skirt bouncing up and down.
"They're under your bed where YOU kicked them, sweetie!" I told her.
She gave me a big, thankful smile and ran upstairs.
She was such a cutie. I loved her more than anything. I remembered when she was just a tiny baby. It warmed my heart to think about her when she was in her cot, sleeping silently.
Ezra walked in with bacon sandwiches and I attacked him for my delicious sandwich. He laughed at how eager I was for food and he handed it to me, hesitating a little bit since he thought that I was going to karate chop it out of his hand. Cassedy came running down and Ezra picked her up to start tickling her. She laughed and laughed until he stopped and she went over for her bacon. She wasn't that excited over bread since she hated eating it. She took the bacon out of the fresh bread roll and ran in to the dining room with it. I went in and joined her.
I couldn't help but laugh my ass off when I saw that she had more ketchup on her bacon than the bacon itself. I was half way through biting in to my sandwich when my phone went off. Ezra gave it to me, saying it was Alison, and I nodded a thank you. I answered it with my mouth stuffed with bacon and bread.
"Hew-wo?" I tried to answer properly....I failed.
"Yeah I can definitely tell that you're eating. Anyways, hey! I just wanted to know if you could help me post wedding invitations later at around 2pm?" I heard Ali ask.
I then remembered that it was Ali and Emily's wedding in 3 weeks. I was super excited.
"Yeah sure. Again, reaaallly happy for you two!"
"Aww thanks! I'll drop off some of the invitations soon, ok?"
"No probz and yeah, that'd be great. See you soon!"
"See ya!"
I hung up and I noticed that I had a message from Cassedy's school.
"Oooh! Cassedy, I've got a message from your school. Have you been naughty, little missy?"
"NOOOOOOO!" She screamed, smiling innocently. I absolutely loved the fact that she always smiled!
I read the message out loud.
From: Rosewood Kindergarten
Hello Mrs and Mr Fitz, we would like to inform you that your daughter has been doing really well during lesson times. She always pays attention and her work is outstanding. She will receive a certificate and sticker from her teacher, Miss Betki, on Monday.
Please add your congratulations to ours.
Head of Rosewood Kindergarten, Mr Walker.
"Oh my goodness, Cassedy, that's amazing! Me and daddy are so proud of you!!! Well done!" I squealed with excitement.
"Come here my clever little baby!" Ezra opened his arms and Cassedy ran in to them with that big smile of hers on her face.
"I'm clever! I'm clever! Yaaaay! I love you mummy! I love you daddy!" She screamed whilst clinging on to Ezra's shoulders as he gave her a piggy back ride in to the living room.
"We love you too darling!" Me and Ezra said in unison.
That was one of the most proudest moments of my life. It really was!
Tiny A.N: Cassedy will be cast as Darcy. SprinkleOfGlitter's off of Youtube's daughter.

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)