Aria's POV:
My due date was in 3 days and me and Ezra were in bed. It was 2am and I woke up to feel something dribbling down my leg. I looked down to see that my water had broke. I shook Ezra so he would wake up, "Ezra..." I said. "Yeah?" He said to me. "It's baby water broke!" I said to him. His eyes lit up and he jumped out of bed. He put on some clothes and took out the baby bag from under the bed. He helped me out of bed and we made our way to Ezra's car. We drove to the hospital and I tried to hold in the pain but I wasn't making any progress. He helped me out of the car when we got there and we went into the hospital. "Excuse me! Excuse me! My wife's water has broken, her name is Aria Fitzgerald." Ezra said to the nurse at the desk. She nodded her head and told me to try and keep calm whilst she called for a wheel chair to room 605. A few seconds later a man with a wheel chair came into the main office and helped me into it. He told Ezra to just sit in the waiting room for the first 10 minutes whilst they got me sorted. "AHHHHH!" I screamed in pain as the doctor pushed me through the long ass halls. We got to room 605 and he helped me into a bed. I was put ina position and I was ready for an early birth. About 5 minutes later, Ezra came in and kissed my forehead. "No matter what happens, this is our baby and it will always be a part of us when it arrives, ok?" He said to me. I nodded my head and winced in pain. The doctor ran in and said to me, "Ready to push?" He said to me. "No but I guess I have no choise." I grabbed Ezra's hand and got ready to push. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled and squeezed Ezra's hand. 'Come on Aria, you can do this." He said to me. "SHUT THE HELL UP! AHHH!" I screamed at him, I knew that he didn't deserve it but it was the nerves that sent me like that. Luckily he understood and after 20 minutes of continuous terrible pushing. I was ready for the last one. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!" I screamed and just like that, the pain was gone. "We've got it! It's here." The doctor told us. I took deep breaths and I cooled down a bit whilst the nurses cleaned the baby off. "Here you go." The nurse said, giving me my baby. "She's a little sweetheart just like you." Ezra said to me whilst admiring his new born baby. "And she's a cute little baby just like you...except for the little baby part. But I guess you are a baby to me." I said to him, smiling. "What's her naed me?" A nurse said to us whilst she was washing her hands. "Cassedy...Cassedy Alice Fitzgerald." I said to her. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked Ezra. He hesitated a little bit, "What if I drop her?" He said to me with a worried look on his face. "You'll be fine. She's as light as a feather, trust me." I said to him. He took Cassedy out of my arms and and cradled her in his own. "Hello Cassedy. I'm your daddy and I'll be with you for quite some time. " He said to her as I smiled in joy. A couple of minutes later mine and Ezra's family and friends arrived to see the baby and to congratulate us on becoming a mother and father. Alison brought in a 'Happy Birthday Cassedy' cake and we all had a great time, talking about the baby. The next morning, I was ready to go home. We were in the car and Ezra was talking to me as I cradled the sleeping baby in my arms. "You do know that we forgot to buy a baby car seat, right?" He said. "If I knew, I would be the stupidest person on Earth to not buy one then, wouldn't I? I'll get one tomorrow, we need to get settled in with the baby for at least 24 hours until we leave the house and if anybody needs to see us then they will have to come to us." I said to him. He let out a small chuckle and said, "Yeah, I guess so." We soon got home and put Cassedy in her cot so she could have a good sleep. We sat in the living room and played checkers. Suddenly, the baby started crying. "Well, we gotta get used to this." I said, walking to the baby's room. "Yup, but I'm a parent too and I gotta get more practise considering I'm the useless father at the moment so..." He sat me down, "I'm going to sort this situation out myself and let mummy have a sit down." He said. "Ok, weird but I'm going with it." I said to him. We both laughed and he went to go check on Cassedy like a good father. "Oooookay, well actually I've changed my mind. You can go sort this situation out." He said to me. "The baby's diaper needs changing, doesn't it?" I said to him, knowing why he turned down the 'I'll sort this situation out' deal. "Yes but I promise you that next time it will be me." He said to me with a big smile on his face. I laughed at him and went to change the baby's diaper. I was so happy that I had a great family to live with.

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)