Author's note:
It's a little bit hard to write in the present tense for this story so I'm going to write in past tense from now on! Also Aria does not go to school and lives with Ezra in a big house in this story and everybody knows they are together just because I want everything to be calm and normal. Also there will be no A! xxx
Ezra's POV:
Me and Aria had just come home from the wedding and we sat down and watched TV. " It's getting late, Imma go to bed." Aria said. I agreed and pecked her on the lips. We made our way to bed and as I was getting ready for bed I hear a knock on the door. Who could be knocking at 11:49 at night? I walked down stairs and answered the door. It was Hanna. "Hey! Give me all of your money" She laughed. Yep, she was definitely drunk! "Hanna...-" She cut me off, "SHUT UP!" She made her way in and took herself upstairs. I quickly followed her in case she did anything stupid. As I got up to the landing, I thought about which room she could have gone into. I checked mine and Aria's bedroom but she wasn't in there. All I could see was Aria snuggled up, sleeping on the left hand side of our bed with a pillow in her hands. She does that when she knows I'm not with her. I checked the spare bedroom and the cupboard but she wasn't in any of those rooms. I then saw her in the bathroom and she was doing something that looked to me like she was making a potion in the toilet. "What are you doing?" I asked her. 'Blocking your toilet with toothpaste! WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?" She replied with her hair all over her face. I took the toothpaste out of her hand and took her down stairs to sit on the couch while I called her mom and unclogged the toilet. "Ezra?" I turned around to see Aria standing there, squinting from the light her eyes had just laid on. "What's going on?" She asked me. I told her everything about Hanna and that her mom was coming to pick her up in 10 minutes. She did what a friend would do and made her way down stairs to help Hanna and make sure she didn't go anywhere. Soon later Mrs.Marin came over to pick up Hanna and me and Aria went to bed.
-The next morning-
Aria's POV:
I sat at the kitchen table with a slice of toast in my hand. Ezra was still in bed because he didn't get much sleep. I still can't believe Hanna went to that party with Caleb when me and the girls clearly told her not to because of the consequences that could happen and one of them took place in my house last night. I finished off my toast, did the dishes, put some makeup on and grabbed my bag. I was going over to Spencer's to help her decorate the house for Melissa's birthday. If I remember right, the people that were going to Melissa's party were; her parents, Spencer, me, Hanna, Alison, Emily, some friends of hers, Ezra, Caleb, Toby, Paige, Wren and Jason. Yeah that's right, Spencer's family and Alison's family made up and finally put their past behind them. Alison and Ezra are still not talking much but have agreed to be friends and Wren...well...basically put himself on the guest list. I went upstairs and grabbed my keys off my bedroom desk when I was stopped by Ezra. " Where are you going?" He asked confused. " To Spencer's to help decorate the house for Melissa's birthday which is, remember this because you always forget, this Wednesday at 2." I said to him. "I do not always forget!" He shouted to me as I walked down the stairs! "Yes ya do!" I added before closing the front door behind me."

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)