Aria's POV:
We were walking up the pathway to Emily's house and I was holding carrying as sleeping Cassedy in my arms with Ezra, following behind. Since I had the baby in my arms, Ezra offered to knock on the door. He knocked and about 20 seconds later, Pam, Emily's mom, opened the door. "Hello guys! I see you brought Cassedy with you. Are you here for the meeting with Emily and the others?"Pam said to us. "We are indeed." Ezra replied. "She's upstairs in her room, Hanna, Toby and Spencer are already here and Alison will be on her way soon I suppose." She said, smiling at us and motioning us to make our way upstairs. "Thank you Mrs.Fields." I replied, walking up the stairs, giving Ezra Cassedy. We opened the pink and purple signed door to Emily's room and made our way in. "Hey guys! Alison gonna be here soon?" I asked them. "I just called her, she'll be here in about 10 minutes." Emily told me. "Cool." I said. 8 minutes later and Alison arrived. We finally got to discussing the holiday to Hawaii. "So, how are we all meeting up?" Hanna asked. " and Spencer have decided that we all meet up at the far left railing, outside of the airport because there will not be enough room for all of us in one car. We have set up 2 car rides. One will be my car and that will have me, Spencer, Toby and Hanna. The other will be Ezra's car which will have Aria, Ezra, Cassedy and Ali. That clear?" Emily told us. We all nodded and talked about more stuff for the trip. "So, how many days are we spending there again?" I asked Emily. "3" Emily replied, taking a sip out of her can of 7up. Soon later, after a bunch of chatting. We all finished drinking our beverages and we all left except for Spencer, who was spending the night at Emily's. "Oh! One more question!" Ezra said to Emily, before opening the door. 'Yes?" Emily asked. "When do we leave?" He asked. "Oh yeah! We leave in a week from now on Thursday morning at 5:20AM in time for our Plane that leaves at 6:00AM." Emily said to all of us, with a smile. It was weird that Emily was in charge of the trip because it was usually Spencer that took charge in everything. We all soon left and when we got home, it was 3:30PM. We did the usual, watch TV, have dinner, watch more TV or read, have a 40 minute makeout session (Yes, we love eachother that much) and go to bed. We were in the middle of watching American Horror Story when Ezra whispered in my ear, "I love you so much." And all I could do was kiss him on the forehead and say the same.

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)