Yeah, okay. November was when I last updated but surely you can understand. School. You probably don't read these things anyways but I'm gonna try and make this chapter really long to make up for it. If it isn't really long then I got hungry...like HUNGRY hungry.
Paige's POV:
"Hey." I said as Emily stood there holding a greasy spatula. I figured she must have gotten in to James Bond mode when she heard the tapping. I was just making some tunes on the buttons of my coat as I wondered whether to walk away and forget I never came or stay and talk to her..about everything.
I smiled, looking at her from head to toe. She looked so beautiful. I missed looking at her everyday and thinking to myself "What did I do to deserve such an amazing, intelligent and gorgeous girl like her."
It was killing me, the fact that thoughts like those would never come to mind again.
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
Damn, that hurt.
"I came to explain myself. May I come in?"
She hesitated for a few seconds but then gestured me to walk in.
Emily's POV:
I wasn't sure whether to let her in or not. Alison was out of town so you would think that there would have been no problem letting her in to my apartment.
I wasn't sure whether I even wanted to talk to her as it was bad enough just to look at her, think about her...ugh.
I let her in anyways. I felt like I had to hear her out.
"Nice place."
"Cut the crap, Paige, how do you even know where me and Ali live?"
She looked shocked.
"You and Alison live together?"
"Yeah, we're a happy couple." I said with a loud tone.
"Oh...that's nice."
"Just start talking, Paige. I really don't have the time for this."
"Okay, um...well I will start from the beginning then. When you and me had that fight that was our 20th fight of the month, I got upset and I went home. I grabbed a beer and sat on my steps for a while. I saw this guy, Brendon, walking past. I was slightly drunk and upset so I asked him if he wanted to sit and have a beer with me. I started telling him that I was planning on breaking up with you and I don't know why but I asked him if he wanted to be with me. I told myself I was bi-sexual even though I'm not and he surprisingly said yeah. We started chatting some more and then we just randomly started...ya know...what Ali saw. The next day, after you supposedly found out, Brendon came to my house and asked me if I wanted him to walk me to your place to break up with you. We held hands and started walking. I then began to tell him that I didn't really want to because breaking up with you would be too hard but we just carried on walking anyways. That was when Aria showed up and started getting all bitchy with me."
Oh no, she didn't.
"Don't you dare talk about my best friend like that. She was sticking up for me, something you never did. Look, that was a rubbish excuse and I don't forgive you if that's what your looking for. Forgiveness doesn't come around you that easy, does it, Paige? So please do me the greatest pleasure of walking out of this building with your head sunk as low as your life and never speak to me again."
Wow, that all came out so quick. It was the truth, though. I honestly didn't care for her excuses anymore.
She looked so sad. Boo hoo like I gave a fuck. I approached the door and opened it. I let her walk out without looking at her. Instead I was looking at the photo frame on the coffee table with me and Alison looking so happy. That was the way it was gonna stay.
As soon as she was gone I slammed the door shut and walked over to my couch. I decided to take a nap. What else was there to do?
(The next morning)
Aria's POV:
I woke up to Ezra's stupid alarm clock for work. I swear that alarm clock will kill me one day. I guess I have to kill it first. *Evil glare*
"Aria, what is that face? You really hate that clock, don't you?" I heard a voice next to me. It was Ezra, obviously, he was smiling/laughing at me as he hit the clock to stop the annoying ass sound that was coming from it. He knocked it over but clearly, he didn't care.
I looked at his face. His handsome, cute face.
"Yeah, I do hate it. Morning!" I sprung across the bed so I was on top of him.
"Morning, my small chicken nugget."
I laughed at the one of many names he called me. All of my nicknames were cute. Well...the ones from Ezra. Spencer calls me a rainbow mouse and I'd hate to think of myself as a mouse. They creep me out!
I pecked Ezra on the lips as I rolled off of him and got out of bed. Ezra got out 2 seconds later, after checking his phone.
I got dressed (into the outfit in the picture) and I walked towards Cassedy's room to wake her up for school.
She looked at me with tired eyes as she groaned. Before she could fall back to sleep, I lifted her out of her bed and dressed her in to her clothes (outfit in the pic). I gave her a piggy back downstairs and I entered the kitchen to be greeted with the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs. Cassedy always has a scrambled egg on toast for breakfast which she took after Ezra for. I loved having bacon which sadly, I didn't have any other children to carry on that bacon loving personality. The thought never really crossed my mind about having a second child. I felt like Cassedy should have a sibling to play with and pick fights with so I decided to have a conversation with Ezra about it later.
We all ate breakfast and then Ezra grabbed Cassedy's backpack and dropped her off at school on his way to work. I kissed her goodbye and watched the 2 people I loved the most exit out the doorway.
Hey, so I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I am gonna try and update....everyday? Don't take my word for it though and besides I only mean until April 4th because that's when I go back to school but weekends still exist. Thank god. Byee!

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)