Author's note:
Sorry that I haven't updated this story and my other stories in a while. I've just not had any time or ideas but I will hopefully update more often now. Thanks for understanding if you do. In other news, I hit 400 reads! Thanks so much and it means the world to me that people actually take the time to ready MY stories so again...THANKS!!!! <3
Aria's POV:
Me and the others were all on our way to the airport. We stopped to get boba and carried on walking. I got a strawberry and mango boba with whipped cream and cut up strawberry and rasberry. As I was sipping my delicious boba, I saw a woman behind check out 35 being strangled by a person in a black hoody. I gasped and realised it was only me and Ezra that noticed the tragedy that was taking place in the corner of the airport. "HEY!" Ezra shouted, running up to the person that I was assuming was a man and punching him in the head. "EZRA!" I screamed, running towards him. He was fighting with the man as the woman sat in the coroner. The man hit Ezra in the face with the telephone and a couple of seconds later, security ran after the man that was trying to escape and succeded. I bent down to Ezra who was laying on the floor. "Ezra, are you OK?" I asked him. I noticed all of our friends were running over to me and Ezra to see if he was OK. He wasn't speaking and I started to worry. Spencer ran to the phone and called 911. I tried to wake Ezra who was luckily still breathing but had bruises and cuts on his stomach, arms and face with a bloody nose and forehead. 5 minutes later, an ambulance arrived at the airport and paramedics rushed over to his body. They put him in the ambulance and we all got in with him.

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)