Author's Note:
This chapter is yesterday's chapter because I didn't have much time to write yesterday so my Sunday updates will come out soon.
Aria's POV:
We were leaving in 3 days and me and Ezra were going to the beach for a walk. We were walking down the steps to the beach and we talked. Cassedy was being taken care of by Spencer, Toby and Emily whilst me and Ezra had some alone time. "So, what was up with Alison yesterday? She seemed a little...jumpy." Ezra asked me. "Um, she saw this boy, liked him, still likes him and she's asking him out today." I told Ezra. "Oh it's great she found someone but we're leaving in 3 days." Ezra said. "I know but she just wanted to have a boyfriend to just get over Wren for a while I guess." I told Ezra. We walked along the beach until we got to the rock wall and walked up the end steps. "The beaches in Hawaii are way better than the beaches, that's if we have any, in Rosewood." I said to Ezra. He didn't say anything. Instead he gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "I love you." He whispered in to my ear. "I love you too."
Alison's POV:
"Hanna! What do you think of this white dress? Is it Hawaii-ish?" I asked Hanna, looking through some dresses in Ahola Outlet (A clothing store in Hawaii). I was looking for something to wear to make my first impression on Phillip (That's the boy who I like's name). "I don't know, try it on!" Hanna said, smiling at the dress. I took the white, flowy, knee high dress into the changing room and put it on. I came out Hanna looked stunned. I twirled around a couple of times, "Do you like it?" I asked Hanna. "It looks perfect on you!" We both ran to price tag that was on the particular dress' bar. "It's only $39.99!" Hanna said. I, with that said, went to change back into my original clothing and took the dress to the counter. I payed for it and made my way into the shoe store and luckily I found some cheap mathing shoes. I bought them and we made our way back to the hotel.
Ezra's POV:
I unlocked the door to our room and walked in. Aria had just gone to pick up Cassedy from Spencer, Emily and Toby's room. I closed the door behind me and 5 seconds later Aria opened it. "Sorry, I thought nobody was behind me." I said to her, taking Cassedy out of her hands. "Oh no, it's fine." Aria replied. Aria sat down on the sofa and took her half drunk can of coca cola off of the coffee table. I went over to Cassedy's cot and put her in it. I walked over to Aria who was on the phone with who I was assuming was Alison considering she said her name a billion times whilst talking to her. She finished her phone call and looked pretty excited. "Alison bought a dress and matching shoes to wear when asking Phillip out! She's coming over to show me the outfit and she's going to Fruit Topic to ask him out." Aria told me. Just then, somebody knocked on the door. "Come in!" We both yelled. Alison opened the door with a big coat on. "That's your outfit?" I asked Alison. "No! This is!" She said, taking the coat off and revealing a white dress. "OMG that dress is amazing and so are thoes shoes!" Aria said, noticing the white heels she was wearing. I wasn't really that bothered about girl's fashion talk so I just flipped through the channels on the TV. Soon Alison left to go ask Phillip out and Aria sat next to me. "She's gonna nail that ask out!" Aria said. "Of course she is, she's Alison!" I said to her. We both laughed and watched some Hawaiian talent show on the TV.

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)