Emily's POV:
"Hanna, come on! You're imagining things and I'm pretty sure that the stupid GT is still in the box where I put it. We're not leaving! I still need some time away to forget about Paige!" I exclaimed.
The other girl's faces were still as white as a blank sheet of paper.
"Emily! I know what I freakin saw! Ghosts live in the lakehouse! Do you want to be murdered?!" Hanna said, backing away from the stairs a little bit.
"Even if there were ghosts, which there aren't, they couldn't murder you, Han!" I replied.
I looked at the others who I could tell were on Hanna's side about this.
I sighed, "Okay fine! Let's just go back up to the attic and you can see for yourself that the GT is exactly where I put it and that whatever Hanna saw was just her damn imagination!" I said, a little bit annoyed that they actually thought the lakehouse was haunted."
Hanna's eyes widened, "No. I'm not going back up there."
"Fine. Me, Spencer and Aria will go up and you can stay down here with Ali." I said, walking up the stairs with Aria and Spencer following.
Aria's POV:
Me, Spencer and Em went up in to the attic. Emily confidently walked over to the box in which the GT was placed in and without even looking at it, she pointed at the box and gave us a 'told you so' face.
Little did she know that the GT wasn't there. We looked at her and then down at the box. She looked and gasped when she saw it was gone.
"N-no I'm sure I put it in this very box! What the hell?!" She said, rummaging around in the box and outside of the box. It was our turn to pull the 'told you so' face.
Emily stud up and she looked like she was about to scream.
Then all of a sudden, my phone rung and all of us nearly jumped out of our skin. I rested my hand on my hand on my heart when I realized it was only Ezra.
Ezra's POV: (Hah! About time! =D)
I was sat in the guest room with Cassidy sat infront of me. We were playing peek-a-boo until I realized that I forgot to check in on Caleb because he was staying at out house for the weekend to get our mail and look after the dog (LOL I forgot the name of it already). I called him and he said everything was going smoothly.
I smiled just before I hit end call and I then decided to call Aria to see how she was doing.
When she answered, she sounded startled and worried.
That was when I became concerned as to what was wrong.
Yush, the next part will be the finale of something fun. I've thought of quite a few ideas for what happens after I end Something fun. Here's 5 spoilers as to what will happen.
1: There will be a time skip
2: Maggie will come back
3: There will be a cute scene between Phillip and Alison
4: Paige will try to get Emily back
5: Something extraordinary happens to Emily
I might write a new chapter on Tuesday or maybe even tomorrow!
Hope you're all as excited as I am!
See ya! ^-^

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)