Alison's POV:
The shadow disappeared and I heard footsteps and a door opening. Then...I heard a voice. It was...Phillip's voice. He was saying things as if he knew Wren had me. Whilst the security guard of this place and Phillip argued, Wren rushed in to the room. He unlocked the chains that locked my feet to the bars and picked me up. He took me over to a door and when he opened it, it looked a disgrace. Cob webs everywhere, small, dirty and had a blue chair in it. He took out some duck tape off of a shelf and ripped some off. He put some over my mouth and he locked me up to the chair legs and he handcuffed me to some bars that went straight up to the ceiling which wasn't far up. He closed the door and I was left in darkness. I was scared out of my mind. I just wanted to see my friends, my family and...Phillip.
Aria's POV:
Once Ezra and Phillip smashed the glass, Phillip unlocked the door with the latch and we went in. When we were half way down the long corridor, a man came round the corner. Phillip looked as if he had seen him before. It must had been the man that answered the door and refused to give Phillip Alison. He came towards us and punched Phillip in the face. Ezra went over and hit the man in the head with the hammer before he hurt anyone else. Ezra helped Phillip up and he took my hand. We went down the end of the corridor. To find Wren come out of the door that was at the end. "Wren?" I asked, shocked. "What do you want?" He asked. "I WANT MY GIRLFRIEND BACK! WHY DO YOU HAVE HER?" Phillip screamed at Wren. Ezra pulled Phillip back before he could get to Wren which he attempted to do. "I know me and Alison are over. I'm cool with that because it was my idea. I heard that she had a new boyfriend. I was cool with that too until I found out that it was snoopy Phillip who she was dating." Wren replied with a much calmer tone as to Phillip's. "I WASN'T SNOOPING! I WAS ASKED TO UPDATE EVERYONE'S ELECTRONICS IN THE MEETING THAT YOU FELL ASLEEP IN!" Phillip replied. Wren looked shocked and also had a dirty look. "There is STILL no way of getting to Alison. She has to be kept away from all of you! You aren't giving her the right kind of love a friend would give. Ezra still feels uncomfortable about being around her, Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Emily thought about ditching Alison so many times and the other crappy friends Alison have are obviously just pretending to be nice to her!" Wren said. We were all stunned. How could he even say that? None of it was true? I was starting to become more outraged than Phillip.

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)