Ezra's POV:
It's been a day since me and Caleb arrived in Paris. I couldn't bring Cassedy because she was in hospital having a small in her stomach. Toby was bringing her in a couple of days. Both Aria and Hanna had a week of shooting which was , if I say so myself, quite a good thing. It was great to be able to see Aria again. We were going out for dinner with Hanna and Caleb that night and we were leaving in 4 hours. Of course Aria was already getting ready. She was showering and I was watching TV whilst waiting for her to come out.
Aria's POV:
Me, Ezra, Hanna and Caleb were going out for dinner in 4 hours and I was showering. Once I had gotten out, Ezra got in. Laura was at a conference meeting. Staying with her has been the best. I was really missing my friends. Spencer, Emily, Alison, Mona, Toby, Paige and the others meant the world to me and being in Paris without them was like having a hot dog without the bun and ketchup. I had already picked out my outfit and so had Hanna. I was wearing a hot pink, maxi dress with a white and baby pink flower belt, some beige wedges and some thick, white tights. For jewelry, I was going to be wearing a red heart necklace that ended at the center of my chest, some white ear studs and a few silver and gold bracelets. I decided to put my hair in a side braid with a small, purple, pink and white flower crown to go with the flower belt.
Hanna's POV:
Aria was getting dressed for dinner early so that she had enough time to make herself look perfect. I started getting dressed 1 hour before we had to leave because I was quick when it came to fashion. I had already showered and I started putting on my outfit. I wore an orange crop top with a black, high waisted, short skirt with some silver, bow flats. For jewelry, I wore a black choker necklace, a white charm bracelet that my grandmother gave to me and some silver earrings that were bow shaped so that they matched my shoes. I did my hair in a milk maid braid and I slided in some small, pink grips around the back of my hair. I already knew that the date was going to go well...it was Paris!

A Love To Hold On To: An Ezria Fan Fiction
FanfictionReady for another Pretty Little Liars fan fiction? Be sure to check the other ones out; My Life as Alison Dilaurentis and A Spoby love story (Pretty Little Liars)