17. where the hell are they

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After another long car trip, the pair were finally back in Mystic Falls. "Oh finally, no more sitting in a car, or sleeping on the rock hard ground, just the comfit of an actual bed" Aurora sighs with relief, "Oh come on, we had fun, the trip was successful. All we need is to find a spell that'll work and boom, we're out" Kai explains looking over to her. "I guess we did have fun" Aurora admits, "And, you were right about Time Square. It wasn't that cool, if I'm being completely honest" she adds, chuckling softly.

"Told you, but no" he says dragging out the no, "We had to see it" he adds on, Aurora rolls her eyes, "I said we could skip it and just get pizza, but you insisted because and I quote, you were feeling nice" Aurora mocks, a sly smirk appears on Kai's face, as he shakes his head and focused his attention onto the road. "Whatever you say princess" he says, a small blush appears on Aurora's face, who turns her face away from Kai and out towards the window so he can't see her red cheeks.

"Whatcha looking at?" he asked at her sudden movement, "Just thinking about what'll happen once we actually get out here and how different things will be then" she tells him, "No more speeding, I can't drink anymore without someone breathing down my neck, we can't take whatever we want from the store, we have to pay tax" Aurora lists before groaning, "Ugh, you're making me wanna stay now, all that sounds terrible" he groans, "It is, but we put up with it if it means getting home" she says to him, I wonder what my friends are doing right now... Aurora thinks.

The Real World

"Come on, keep looking" Damon demands, as Bonnie, Liv and Jo, with Alaric watching behind them, search through many more grimoires to look for a way to help Aurora out. Yesterday, Liv was able to help again and astro project Bonnie over so she could talk to Aurora and tell her they've almost found a way, when they haven't yet, they just wanted Aurora to not worry and think they were close. So, they had the rest of today to find a way out since Aurora was expecting Bonnie today.

"We're looking Damon, we've been looking for months" Liv snaps at him, "Well work faster Goldilocks, because Aurora is trapped there with you and Jo's psychotic brother, and I blame myself for not being able to help her" Damon snaps back, fed up of the attitude Liv consistently showed him. "I know that, I love Aurora too, I don't want her there as much as you do, but this is my father we're talking about, he doesn't want Kai out so why would he provide an alternative way out" she snaps again, also fed up of Damon's constant nagging.

"May I remind you-" Damon goes to speak back, but Alaric cuts in, "Enough. This arguing is getting us nowhere, our main focus is Rory and figuring a way to get her out so she no longer has to be near that son of a bitch" Alaric says, now done with Liv and Damon's bickering. "Ric's right, you guys can argue once Rory's home" Bonnie tells them, Damon takes a step away from them and walks over to where a bottle of bourbon is on the table, and pours himself a drink.

Damon blames himself that Aurora is still there, when Kai shot Bonnie, he immediately went to Bonnie and when Aurora was shot too and then pulled back, before Damon could do anything, him and Bonnie were whisked away, Aurora disappearing before his eyes. Sometimes he wishes he just went out and helped her, even if it meant him being trapped there too, at least it'll mean Aurora wouldn't be trapped there alone, and Damon wouldn't feel guilty for doing nothing.

Which is why he's so snappy on getting her back as soon as possible, so he can apologise on not doing anything, and how he feels responsible that she's there. "You know, it's not your fault" a new voice spoke, Damon turned and saw Caroline, "Blondie" he greeted her, "And I don't know what you're talking about" he lies, something he hated was how good Caroline's got at reading people. "What happened to Rory, it's not your fault" Caroline clarified, Damon sighed, pouring himself another drink, downing it in one.

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