It Will Snow Soon - Chapter 1

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The door opened... like a portal from the noise to a near utter silence.

From the howling winds and irritating drivers with their car horns, to the quietness with clanking and clacking from the radiators.

She swore under her breath about forgetting to switch off the heaters of her flat.

Good job, Hermione Granger, the "brightest student," the student who had forgotten to turn off the heat. How stupid... the woman thought to herself as she shut the door behind her with her leg.

She wiped her shoes of the London street muck on the welcome-home mat whilst her arm straightened out to the side and dropped off several plastic and paper bags onto a table.

And then off she went, after the twist of the door lock, her shoes off by the door with her long trench coat being hooked onto the wall peg and she had collapsed onto the couch with a big exhale.

Her hand resting on her stomach whilst she became comfortable once again in the near silence that she was used to outside of classes.

Hermione's chocolate brown eyes stared up at the popcorn ceiling of her flat, subtly tracking where the upper floor tenant was through their footsteps.

A fair beauty she was... her light delicate skin, with such light brown eyes, and she had a lot of bushy brown hair, once before like a long mane of brown hair. In her younger years, her curls were all frizzy and like an actual bush, but as she matured her hair had become a little smooth.

Her hair still retained the bushiness but she guess that's what she liked about her hair. She usually kept her hair long and sometimes tied it back in a plait.

Hermione never gave much attention to her appearance, usually hiding her potential to be considered extremely pretty under her bushy hairstyle and a large pile of books, as described by a certain blonde years ago.

Her wrist laid across her eyes and another sigh escaped her pink lips. The black darkness she saw under her own wrist. Emptiness.

She was used to it, the emptiness, as she had for her entire life.

The quiet void of no one interacting with her besides her family or her professors.

She would like to think that she enjoys this loneliness. She would have no one distracting her from her reading or dragging her down from her classes and work.

The thoughts of having friends especially at her age now put a little stress on Hermione's mind... she could only think of these "friends" begging for her to come hang out and drink and all that partying stuff.

Sure she wanted some friends during her younger school days... but she was always left alone as the know-it-all and kind of just had a negative view on other classmates.

Though things have changed now entering the higher education, the typical college student is all about going out and sleeping with someone.

So maybe she didn't need any friends now, right?

After all, reading was her happiness. She didn't need friends! Hermione would hope...

And the thing she wants farthest from her mind... having a romance.


All the drama that could happen and to apparently check up on your lover every hour or second, it would just put a load of stress and take up so much time!

Trying to get a boyfriend while studying law is the last thing she needs.

But thankfully there were no classes at the moment and her break-studying would not be due for another week so she can have time for her fun reading and get some hours in her job.

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