Pleasure - Chapter 7

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Hermione had just a few items on her plate, she wasn't one to eat much.

On the other hand, the ginger man on the other side of the table grabbed pretty much everything.

His plate was overfilled and you can't even see the plate itself!

But before he set down his plate on the table, he looked up at her thinking he needed permission.

Hermione looked back and gave a smile that didn't match her eyes, "Go ahead. You clearly need it."

All within a second, he sat down and started shoving food into his mouth with a fork.

Yolk and little crumbs were flying all over his plate. He scarfed down ALL the food on his plate before taking a swig of the tea.

Then he went for second servings.

Hermione just continued eating her little breakfast, trying to not mind the unappealing eating manners.

Her eyes went over to the TV in the living room that was quietly on the news. Broadcasting about how the snow continues to storm over Central London and Southern England.

She glanced back at the man and... he was ALREADY starting his THIRD serving?!

She looked away for like 15 seconds!

Hermione placed her fork down and sat up in her chair to look at him, "You could enjoy the meal if you slow down."

His fork stopped midway at stabbing the sausage, he looked up at her and had shame and frustration in his eyes at the same time, "Well like I said... haven't had a hot meal in ages."

Hermione gave a crooked nod, "But you're going to be here for a few days so you'll get plenty of those meanwhile. You can have pretty much all the food I prepare, but at least enjoy it because it takes some effort into actually making them. Also, if you keep eating at this rate you'll get a stomachache. I want you to at least get-"

"Who do you think you are?" he raised his voice and slammed his fork on the table, "Well I'm sorry, I haven't eaten in ages- again."

He scoffed and chugged a glass of orange juice.

"Well, I'm Hermione Granger, thank you very much," she answered with angry eyebrows.

"Hermione Granger, such a complex name for a complex woman," he sighed whilst looking at the ceiling lights above.

She gasped and crossed her arms, "What's with you? For one moment you're all crying and upset, and the next you're angry."

"Well I can't help maself, all right? Not my fault I had to go through hell and back and ended up all broken," the man grunted and continued eating, actually taking her note and eating a bit slower this time.

Hermione noticed it but kept silent. She sat there in silence, poking her leftover egg on her plate. Through hell and back, all broken up... she repeated that phrase through her mind a few more times.

She grabbed her plate as she felt finished and went over to the kitchen to start washing dishes, although right before she could turn the tap on he spoke up.

"What... was your name again?" Ron asked quietly, it was even quieter than the TV news which was quiet itself.

Hermione looked over her shoulder but not meeting eye contact, "Hermione Granger," she answered softly.

She heard him give an affirmative hum in return. Then she realized she doesn't even know HIS name!

It's just been calling him names...

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