The Days Going By - Chapter 8

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The snow had slowly came to a steady pace, and the weather broadcast had stated by the next few hours it would come to a halt, finally.

Tomorrow would most likely be the last snow day and then it would be back on regular schedule.

But that also meant... it would be the time for this man who was staying in her flat to go.

Was she hopeful for that day? Yes.

The last few days had been nothing but awkwardness with a mix of bickering and arguing. Somehow and surprisingly, that one bottle of butterbeer made him feel better.

But it wouldn't last until yesterday where she had to give him two bottles and a few glasses of wine which made him whine for being so posh.

Still, could be worse...

Hermione was already preparing for tomorrow's deep clean of the flat. She kind of felt bad for already getting ready to clean when he leaves, but she was always organized and planning with everything.

It was quite strange though, as in the recent days Hermione felt like Ron's been staying here for quite a long time.

Maybe it's just because of the stress he caused on her... yeah.

Though, besides from the stressful moments with him... there was a few... emotional ones.

He would always have a scene of shedding a few tears or just being really thankful to her whenever they have a meal.

Or whenever he would use the shower, he would always let out a few words of his gratitude.

Interestingly, she had to resupply his spearmint toothpaste which amazingly was used up.

She worried that he was taking advantage of it but he explained that this toothpaste was his favorite from his childhood and apologized for it.

Hermione then didn't mind for that, instead she gave him an extra toothpaste to store in his backpack for when he would eventually leave.

How kind of her, he would constantly think.

These last few days have been a bit eventful with Ron, Hermione would think.

She never thought this would happen in her life.

The first non-related man she thought would come into her home to stay would be her fiance. Not boyfriend because she had a strict dating guideline set up for herself when she would find love in the future.

But then adding onto her sad view of her life would be if she were to ever find love...

Anyway, she was still surprised that her past-self would just let a homeless man who "robbed" her into her home for a few nights.

But in the end... it's just a kind gesture, right? Ignoring all the fighting and shouting.

Maybe she could include that in her creative writing paper when classes come back to term.

Urgh, what am I thinking? Using him for my benefit in a paper? I shouldn't think of him like that, Hermione mentally facepalmed herself and turned the tap off of the bathroom sink.

She wiped her face of water droplets with a towel and exited the bathroom, upon her sight was the man, Ron, standing with his back straight and arms at the side.

It gave her a slight fright, seeing him with such posture and waiting patiently.

She let out a small gasp of shock and held the door open, "I'm sorry I took a bit, you can go in now."

She stepped to the side and gestured to the door, but nothing else happened.

The only response he gave was a slight slouch in his posture and his mouth opening a bit.

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