Return To Sender - Chapter 11

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She suddenly shook awake, her eyes wide open at looking at the ceiling.

Hermione pressed her fingers and felt the dryness of tears.

She cried herself to sleep, Unbelievable, she scolded herself.

The bushy-haired woman found herself staring at her image in the bathroom mirror.

Her eyes were bloodshot and had bags under them, her cheeks were puffy and bright red, her nose was also red.

"You've cried yourself to sleep... well done," her voice was raspy and crackly from all the sobbing and crying last night.

Moments later after using the bathroom, she was sitting at the dining table eating fruit porridge, feeling like she was getting back used to the silence.

But Hermione knew herself that in the corner of her mind, she longed for company.

She knew she would definitely get some questions and looks about her appearance, especially from her co-worker.

Hermione had packed a few comedy and mystery-thriller books, hoping it would cheer her up or take her mind away from what happened last night and the subject of loneliness.

She never thought she would pack a comedic genre book, but this was the first time her sadness really brought her down to such a miserable state.

The emotional breakdown will be over soon... it's probably just a matter of a few days and I'll be back to normal.

At least you let everything you bottled up out.

Hermione finished up her morning routine and checking around the flat. She made sure the radiator and lights were all off before exiting through the door.

She stood up straight, firmly with her hands clenched by her sides. Looking out down below at the street below, still a bit smoggy and snow still covering the sides.

She exhaled a deep visible breath, "You're strong, Hermione... you'll get it over it in no time."

Hermione then quickly walked down the stairs and along the pavement, passing by cars and pedestrians.

This time though, her eyes would not go anywhere near a single alley and instead focus on ahead and her store.

It's only a few more weeks until terms are back in session. I can get closer to my degree and my dream job, Hermione huffed confidently.

After a passing through a few blocks and by a few lights, she stepped through the front door and was greeted by Luna.

"Hello, Hermione!" the blonde chirped.

"Good morning, Luna," Hermione chimed back in a near mumble.

"How is your head doing? Is it stilled filled with wrackspurts?" Luna asked.

"No," the bushy-haired woman answered back immediately and quickly settled into the library, "and I said I'm doing fine. Probably not enough sleep last night."

"Hmm... I would say "are the painters in?" but you've already had it earlier this month," Luna suggested.

"W-what- that is not something you say out loud!" Hermione scolded, though Luna didn't mind and just kept going.

"Well it appears everyone is too distracted with the screen news or the pages in their books, so you're exceptionally ordinary right now, besides your eye bags, " Luna returned back to her quibbler.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the last comment, "The news?" she didn't realize the TV audio was on, meaning that there was a serious event going. She turned her head and glanced at the TV.

It was breaking news of the running robber once again, the suspect still being on the rise with the captions reading, "They have announced the manhunt operation resuming again, after sighting of notorious running robber in London's major shopping area and attraction, Diagon Alley."

"They're getting closer every time they're on the news," a patron remarked as they glanced at the news.

"Right? Bloody mad, they are. Heard they were part of the Death Eaters, blimey even the top officers," another added.

Hermione's eyes looked into the corner of her eyes and at the other patrons inside the store, Death Eaters?

Death Eaters was what the supremacists called themselves against the British Army in the First Blood War. And the Second...

"There have been recent theories or reports of being more than one on the run, and still carrying a firearm on them," the reporter announced.

Hermione swore she wouldn't remember anything related to him... but her mind couldn't help but think back to when she heard the similar news of this in the library... Ron barged in for money.

Maybe, he'll come back? Hermione wondered.

"Excuse me-" a patron waved in front of Hermione's eyes.

"Yes?" she looked at her but remembered she was working, "O-oh, sorry! Pardon me, I'm really sorry. Are these for purchase or check-out?"

She scanned the books and placed them in a bag carefully before handing it back to the customer, "Thank you," she responded.

"Luna, why didn't you say anything?" she looked over her shoulder and furrowed her eyebrows at her.

Luna was innocently going through folders and papers, she raised her eyebrows and cocked her head to the side, "I don't want to interrupt another deep thought, do I?"

"But then, it was interrupted by one of our patrons," the blonde shrugged and went back to her little side work.

Hermione sighed, somehow that strange blonde was on her with the deep thoughts...

Another patron approached with books to check out, so she continued with her job while doing her best to push away the thoughts of the peculiar ginger.


Her hand froze on the patron's book.

Why on Earth am I even thinking about him? I thought I made it clear with myself that I came to the conclusion that I'll never see him again and that he's fine with his life.

She continued the little process of the book management while fighting her mind.

I've already thought about it several times... Merlin. Ron's gone and I'll never have to see him again. This is getting out of hand! Why do I have to think this through so many times?!

Am I on a broken record? Am I in a loop? 

Her eyes glanced at the clock, thinking it would be best to change the subject within her own head.

Oh look, lunch is in a few hours, I can probably get into a new genre of comedy books! Maybe that'll be good!

And probably after lunch I can read another comedic book before my mystery section and I'll-

The bell rung as the door opened, a bit of chill slipping through.

Hermione stood up straight with a gentle smile, "Welcome-"

The heavy footsteps walked in and the cold went away as the door shut.

Her chocolate-brown eyes were wide opened and her mouth was agape, "Welcome..." she said extremely quietly.

"Hermione?" Luna peeked around the corner and had a shared expression of surprise, except a bit more subtle.

"W... what?..." Hermione's voice was barely a whisper.

"H-hey," he said.

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