Such A Nuisance - Chapter 4

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A quick breeze of cold air rushed through the small slit of the door before it slammed.

Her eyes looked up from the folders on the counter, and then widened...

She let out a gasp, It's him again?!

She saw the familiar brown hair, bloodshot blue eyes, and the dirty patches all over his pale face. In fact, he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, which wasn't a surprise considering he was homeless.

Hermione took a breathe before putting shutting the beige folder, "Excuse me, we're not the salvation army, we're just a library! You either take interest here or you-"

"Shut your bloody mouth, you git! I don't give a DAMN about your rules!" he slammed his fist on the counter and leaned forward with striking eyes, "Spare some money, would ya?"

She didn't back away though, instead she leaned forward and glared daggers at him, "How DARE you think you can barge in and get what you want!"

Then she nearly gagged as the very powerful stench of alcohol came from his breath. Her eye glanced down and saw the nearly empty bottle of whiskey, You must be joking...

"You're a fucking nightmare!" he pointed a grubby finger at her.

Her eyes rolled, "I'm a nightmare? Excuse your language but-"

He let out a groan of frustration, "Language?! Merlin's saggy left-" as he said those words he reached over the counter which finally made Hermione back away.

"You best leave or I'll call the police!" her hands quickly snatched the telephone from the corner.

Chocolate-brown eyes glaring into the ice piercing blue eyes that were streaking of red. His eyebags and hair made him seem like an escapee from an asylum... or a prison... perhaps both?

The two stood there in silence, glaring at each other.

Hermione's eyes then looked down to see his hands gripping the nearly-empty bottle of alcohol tightly. Is he... trying to keep in his anger? she questioned, thinking the man would've hit her already.

"Hey!" a voice was heard from the side.

Both their heads snapped to the side and Hermione saw it was one of her patrons that entered maybe 15 minutes ago.

He glared at the homeless man, "You better listen to the lady or you'll be eating some knuckles for lunch!"

"Oi, if your fucking brain can understand... I just need SOME POUNDS! Don't got any!" the homeless man shouted with another slam of his fist on the counter, this time knocking over Hermione's little potted plant that sat on the other side.

"Why? You expect me to give up some money because you threatened me yesterday? But this time I know what it's for, actually," Hermione's voice raised.

"You're disturbing the whole lot here," the patron got a bit closer to the homeless man.

Then the two were staring off at each other, seconds from starting a brawl.

This was a really big problem for the shop.

"You know what? I see how it is," the homeless man finally stepped away from the counter, his glare looking away from the patron and at Hermione.

"I see what's going on... you don't give a damn about homeless people LIKE ME!" he growled.

Hermione raised a brow, "Well, excuse you! I care about the ones in need! But unlike you, they're smart in spending!"

"Shut your fucking mouth, seriously!" the homeless man huffed, "I'm just asking for a bit of money!"

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