Getting A Roof Over His Head - Chapter 5

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The snow crunched under her boots, and the swift moving snowflakes built up on her trench coat.

It was the night before the snowstorm would hit. Technically it was just hours away, and this snowfall right now was not even the snowstorm itself.

It would be snowing heavier than this, it would definitely be much colder and windier.

Her eyes looked upon the dark gray sky that dropped the beautiful little snowflakes, What a sight.

Tonight was the night she had to work an evening shift due to her co-worker calling in sick. She was a little disappointed once again about not having a day off before the snowstorm, but then again she could have a few after it hits and nobody gets out.

It also had been quite a bit since she's since that homeless man a few days ago.

She didn't know whether to feel glad or concerned.

It's either Maybe... he did find shelter, or, Did he blackout from the whiskey and die in the snow? Perhaps the tobacco made his lungs collapse?

She hadn't seem him. That's it.

But why did she keep thinking about this man?

Right now, she just needs to make sure everything's secured before heading home.

She tightened the scarf around her neck and fitted the beanie over her bushy hair, swiping the brown locks out of her eyes' view.

The library's door closed.

A quick glance inside to make sure lights were off and the counter was secured. She twisted the key of the door and started stepping away, not needing to make sure of that as really... she did it just a few seconds ago.

She knows that most people would forget that they locked something just after they did it moments ago, but for her... well she's the brightest student in her class.

Her gloved hands pulled on her handbag and then she set off on her way through the falling snow. Her boots leaving deep marks in the snow behind, though at a steady pace they would disappear.

She walked through the streets of London, she didn't need a car or any transport, her flat only being a few blocks down. Her college was also only a few blocks away as well! And because of her morning readiness, she would even be at the college class very early!

But with this snow she wished she was at least in a car, but she didn't want to pay a few pounds just to go five minutes in a taxi.

The walk was only about 15 minutes, maybe 20 with the snow.

She pulled the scarf above her nose, covering her face from the cold-stabbing air.

The cold frigid air in London felt "sharp" when it touched the bare skin.

She could see her puffs of breathes in the air as she walked down the stone pavement street, under the bright streetlights. Hermione didn't shiver much as she had a very warm trench coat and accessories.

Hermione continued down the street, feet crunching up the snow as the wind howled passed her ears.

Everything seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary here. The occasional cars, a passing pedestrian.

She saw the orange-yellow snow, which is in fact not the "yellow" snow that dogs make, but it just looks like it from the streetlamps' lights, casting that colour.

She passed from window to window, shop to shop, house to house, from an alley to another...

But her boots stopped in front of one alley.

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